
Securely create an account

Primary LanguagePHP


Securely create an account


This project was started back in June 2014 when I first started working on user accont creation from the Terminal. I realized immediately that most people would be too unfamiliar with the command-line interface to be able to use it, so I created a graphical user interface (GUI). I also thought it would be easier to write the PHP code for the backend and then have the terminal interact with that than try to write them both at the same time. In a few weeks I had completed secure account creation, log in, an 'update password' feature, and learned PHP. More information how the account creation is secure can be found here. I am currently working on updating this repo as well as a 'Forgot Password' feature, which will allow users to securely reset their password . I highly recommend you create an account and log in, logging in gives you access to features not on my website.


The motivation for this project was to implement all the features found in a modern user account system such as devise. Not only would having such a system allow one extra functionality, it would also serve as a good teaching tool for how to securely implement user accounts. I admit there are some areas which could be improved, but this is a work-in-progress, so hopefully over time things will improve. Feel free to make any suggestions!