
Initial implementation of CanDIG v2 platform

Primary LanguageSCSS

CanDIG v2 PoC


The CanDIG v2 project is a collection of heterogeneous services designed to work together to facilitate end to end dataflow for genomic data.

                                                   | candig.local |
                                               | portainer:9010 (tcp)  |
                                               | portainer_agent       |
                                                           |                 +----------------------------+
                                                +----------+---------+       | consul:8300      (tcp)     |
                  +-----------------------+     | traefik:8000 (tcp) |       |       :8400      (tcp)     |
                  | weave_app:4040  (tcp) +-----+        :80   (tcp) +-------+       :8500      (tcp)     |
                  | weave_probe           |     |        :443  (tcp) |       |       :8502      (tcp)     |
                  +-----------------------+     +----+-----+-----+---+       |       :8301-8302 (tcp/udp) |
                                                     |     |     |           |       :8600      (udp)     |
                                                     |     |     |           +----------------------------+
                                                     |     |     |
            +----------------monitoring--+           |     |     |           +-------------------logging--+
            | +-----------------------+  |           |     |     |           | +------------------------+ |
            | | prometheus:9090 (tcp) |  |           |     |     |           | | fluentd:24224 (tcp/udp)| |
            | +-----------------------+  |           |     |     |           | +------------------------+ |
            |                            +-----------+     |     +-----------+                            |
            | +------------------------+ |                 |                 |                            |
            | |node_exporter:9100 (tcp)| |                 |                 |                            |
            | +------------------------+ |                 |                 |                            |
            |                            |                 |                 | +------------------------+ |
            |   +-------------------+    |                 |                 | |elasticsearch:9200 (tcp)| |
            |   |cadvisor:9080 (tcp)|    |                 |                 | |             :9300 (tcp)| |
            |   +-------------------+    |                 |                 | +------------------------+ |
            |                            |                 |                 |                            |
            | +-----------------------+  |                 |                 |                            |
            | |alertmanager:9093 (tcp)|  |                 |                 |                            |
            | +-----------------------+  |                 |                 |                            |
            |                            |                 |                 |                            |
            |    +------------------+    |                 |                 |   +-------------------+    |
            |    |grafana:9888 (tcp)|    |                 |                 |   | kibana:5601 (tcp) |    |
            |    +------------------+    |                 |                 |   +-------------------+    |
            +----------------------------+                 |                 +----------------------------+
+---------------------------------+    +--------------------------------------+   +----------------------------+
|    +-----------------------+    |    |                                      |   | +------------------------+ |
|    | chord_metadata:8008   |    |    |                                      |   | | cnv_service:8870 (tcp) | |
|    +-----------------------+    |    |   +-------------------------------+  |   | +------------------------+ |
| +-----------------------------+ +----+   | federation_service:4232 (tcp) |  +---+                            |
| | datasets_service:8880 (tcp) | |    |   +-------------------------------+  |   |   +-------------------+    |
| +-----------------------------+ |    |                                      |   |   | rnaget:3005 (tcp) |    |
+---------------------------------+    +--------------------------------------+   |   +-------------------+    |
                                                           |                      +----------------------------+
                                                  | jupyter:8888 (tcp) |
                      +---------------------------+ rstudio:8787 (tcp) |         +--------------------------+
                      |                           +--------+-----------+         | candig_server:3001 (tcp) |
 +----------------------------------+                      |                     +--------------------------+
 | +------------------------------+ |          +---------------------------+
 | |  wes_server:5000  (tcp)      | |          | +-----------------------+ |      +-------------------+
 | |  toil_master:5050 (tcp)      | |          | | htsget_app:3333 (tcp) | +------+ igv_js:9091 (tcp) |
 | |  toil_ui:3000     (tcp)      | |          | +-----------------------+ |      +-------------------+
 | +------------------------------+ |          | +-----------------------+ |
 |                                  |          | | chord_drs:6000 (tcp)  | |
 | +------------------------------+ |          | +-----------------------+ |
 | |   toil_worker:5051 (tcp)     | |          +---------------------------+
 | +------------------------------+ |                       |
 +----------------------------------+              +--------+---------+
                                                   | minio:9000 (tcp) |
                                                   | minio_client     |

Project Structure

 ├── .env                          - global variables
 ├── Makefile                      - functions for repeatable testing/deployment (Docker/Kubernetes)
 ├── tox.ini                       - functions for repeatable testing/deployment (Python Venv/Screen)
 ├── bin/                          - local binaries directory
 ├── docs/                         - documentation for various aspects of CanDIGv2
 ├── etc/                          - contains misc files/config/scripts
 │    ├── docker/                  - docker configurations
 │    ├── env/                     - sample env files for site.env
 │    ├── ssl/                     - ssl root-ca/site configs and certs
 │    ├── venv/                    - dependency files for virtualenvs (conda, pip, etc.)
 │    └── yml/                     - various yaml based configs (toil, traefik, etc.)
 ├── lib/                          - contains modules of servies/apps
 │    ├── compose/                 - set of base docker variables for Compose
 │    ├── kubernetes/              - set of base docker variables for Kubernetes
 │    ├── swarm/                   - set of base docker variables for Swarm
 │    ├── templates/               - set of template files used to create new module(s)
 │    └── ga4gh-dos/               - example module, folder name = module name (e.g. make compose-ga4gh-dos)
 │         ├── docker-compose.yml  - minimum requirement of module, contains deployment context
 │         ├── Dockerfile          - contains build context for module
 │         └── run.sh              - script which used for conda deployment (DEPRECATED)
 └── tmp/                          - contains temporary files used for runtime functionality
      ├── configs/                 - directory to store config files that are added to services post-deployment
      ├── data/                    - directory to store local data for running services
      └── secrets/                 - directory to store randomly generated secrets for service deployment

.env Environment File

The .env file in the project root directory contains a set of global variables that are used as reference to the various parameters, plugins, and config options that operators can modify for testing purposes.

Some of the functionality that is controlled through .env are:

  • change docker network, driver, and swarm host
  • modify ports, protocols, and plugins for various services
  • version control and app pinning
  • pre-defined defaults for turnkey deployment

Compose supports declaring default environment variables in an environment file named .env placed in the folder where the docker-compose command is executed (current working directory). Similarly, when deploying CanDIGv2 using make, .env is imported by make and all uncommented variables are added as environment variables via export.

These evironment variables can be read in docker-compose scripts through the variable substitution operator ${VAR}.

# example compose YAML using variable substitution with default option
    image: progrium/consul
    network_mode: ${DOCKER_MODE}

make Deployment

To deploy CanDIGv2, follow one of the available install guides in docs/:

View additional Makefile options with make help.

Services and Components

Add new service

New services can be added under lib directory. Please refer to the template for new services README for more details.

List of services

The following table lists the details from the Data Flow Diagram in the "Overview" section.

Service/Component Name Source Notes
Katsu (CHORD Metadata) links DFD: chord_metadata
CNV Service links DFD: cnv_service
Authorization Service links DFD: authorization_service
Federation Service links DFD: federation_service
Datasets Service links DFD: datasets_service
RNAGet links DFD: rnaget
CanDIGv1 Server links DFD: candig_server
HTSGet links DFD: htsget_app
CHORD DRS links DFD: chord_drs
IGV JS links DFD: igv_js
WES Server links DFD: wes_server
CanDIG Data Portal links DFD: