Firefox comes with a great built-in PDF viewer and editor, but using it solely as a PDF reader may not be visually appealing due to its web browser user interface. Fortunately, the FF PDF installation script can create a separate profile dedicated to reading and editing PDFs. Additionally, the script adds custom CSS to hide the browser's UI elements, giving the appearance of a dedicated PDF reader.
$ git clone https://github.com/sdushantha/ff-pdf
$ cd ff-pdf
$ bash install.sh
Notice: Only tested on Linux with i3wm. Can't guarantee this will be visualy pleasing on other operating systems or on systems with a desktop environment. But feel free to send PRs if you have a a solution on supporting other operating systems and desktop environments
- Launch it from your application launcher
- Open a PDF from your file browser by right clicking and selecting FF PDF
- Execute
ff-pdf FILE
FF PDF stores it's config files in ~/.config/ff-pdf/
and contains the following files
- The icon of app when you launch it from your application launcher or right click in file explorer to open a PDFstartpage.html
- This is the UI you see when you open FF PDF without opening a PDF file