This repository contains the first ever Android application that I built. I started this project in 2011 and released v1.0 in January 2012 (Google can't even give me the date and shows the unix epoch). The Google Play Store was still called Android Market then and I had to use the credit card of my parents to be able to release this in the wild. Damn the code is horrible, but what can you expect? The only device I had to test was the Galaxy i5800 that my little sister owned. I did not even have my own Android phone.

There is a whole story on how I started building a new application (see the 2013 branch) and never released. But I still had this code that was once hosted in a Mercurial repo on Bitbucket in an email conversation somewhere and wanted to archive it together with the newer unreleased code where you can definitely see that I definitely learned something since I wrote my first lines of Java.