📝 Report
This project is part of the lecture Formal Methods for Software Engineering. We are using the light-weight formal methods tool Alloy Analyzer.
Help Santa to figure out what he could gift the child. Complete the encoding of the wish list.
Start from this Template.
Submission: Submit the permalink in src/main/java/de/buw/fm4se/alloy/Tasks.java (task_1)
Help Alloy to plan who should gift whom. Complete the encoding of the secret santa problem.
Start from this Template.
Submission: Submit the permalink in src/main/java/de/buw/fm4se/alloy/Tasks.java (task_2)
Help Santa to place the trees on the market place. Complete the encoding of the tree placement problem.
Start from this Template.
Submission: Submit the permalink in src/main/java/de/buw/fm4se/alloy/Tasks.java (task_3)