
A model-driven revision and variation control system for the Eclipse Modeling Framework

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


SuperMod is a model-driven revision and variation control system that supports collaborative model-driven and/or software product line engineering based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF).

The tool was originally developed by Felix Schwägerl in the context of his Ph.D. thesis (Version Control and Product Lines in Model-Driven Software Engineering, University of Bayreuth, 2018) and then released publicly under the EPL.

Always keep in mind that SuperMod is an academic prototype. Some important VCS features such as user authentication, revision browsing, cherry-picking etc. are missing.

Quick Tool Introduction

You can find the official project website here: http://www.ai1.uni-bayreuth.de/en/projects/SuperMod/

A five-minute tool demo video is provided here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XOk3x5kjFc

Installation Instructions

SuperMod consists of a mandatory client-side application and an optional server-side application, which is only required for multi-user operation.


The client-side is provided as Eclipse plugin here: https://github.com/se-ubt/supermod/raw/master/update/

Without any further dependencies, these plug-ins can be installed, e.g., into a clean Eclipse Oxygen (Modeling Edition) distribution.

For first experiments, we recommend to install only the "SuperMod Core" and "SuperMod Revision+Feature Layered Version Model" plug-ins.

SuperMod is integrated into the "Team" context menu in the Eclipse package explorer. After installation, you can put an arbitrary Eclipse project under SuperMod version control via Team -> Share Project.


The server-side has been implemented as Apache Tomcat 7 webservice. We offer a pre-compiled servlet (WAR archive) here: https://github.com/se-ubt/supermod/raw/master/artifacts/supermod-server.war

Depending on the location where your Tomcat host runs, the SuperMod repository URLs would look as follows: http://my-server.foo/supermod-server/repos/my-repo


Below, a selection of scientific publications where the concepts underlying SuperMod are explained: