
Sync data between persistence engines, like ETL only not stodgy

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



go build -a ./cmd/...


There is a sample config in test/config.yaml. The config defines the endpoints, (either sources or sinks) that are available to the application.

  interval: 60s # time interval between metrics posts to the api endpoint
  uri: "http://requestb.in/1a0zlf11"
    type: mongo
    uri: mongodb://localhost/boom
    type: elasticsearch
    type: file
    uri: stdout://
    type: file
    uri: file:///tmp/foo
    type: file
    uri: stdout://

There is also a sample 'application.js' in test/application.js. The application is responsible for building transporter pipelines. Given the above config, this Transporter application.js will copy from a file (in /tmp/foo) to stdout.


This application.js will copy from the local mongo to a file on the local disk

Source({name:"localmongo", namespace: "boom.foo"}).save({name:"tofile"})

Transformers can also be configured in the application.js as follows

var pipeline = Source({name:"mongodb-production", namespace: "compose.milestones2"})
pipeline = pipeline.transform("transformers/transform1.js").transform("transformers/transform2.js")
pipeline.save({name:"supernick", namespace: "something/posts2"});


  • list transporter list --config ./test/config.yaml
  • run transporter run --config ./test/config.yaml ./test/application.js
  • eval transporter eval --config ./test/config.yaml 'Source({name:"localmongo", namespace: "boom.foo"}).save({name:"tofile"})'
  • test transporter test --config ./test/config.yaml test/application.js

Complete beginners guide (OS X)

  • ensure you have mercurial installed as it is required for a dependency
  • install the Mac OS X binary build from https://golang.org/dl/
  • follow instructions on http://golang.org/doc/install
  • VERY IMPORANT: Go has a required directory structure which the GOPATH needs to point to. Instructions can be found on http://golang.org/doc/code.html or by typing go help gopath in terminal.
  • setup the directory structure in $GOPATH
    • cd $GOPATH; mkdir src pkg bin
    • create the github.com path and compose mkdir -p src/github.com/compose; cd src/github.com/compose
    • clone transporter git clone https://github.com/compose/transporter.git; cd transporter
    • run go get to get all the dependencies go get -a ./cmd/...
    • now you can build go build -a ./cmd/...

At this point you should be able to run transporter via $GOPATH/bin/transporter, you may need to add $GOPATH to your PATH environment variable. Something along the lines of export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" should work.

Contributing to Transporter

Want to help out with Transporter? Great! There are instructions to get you started here.


Transporter is licensed under the New BSD License. See LICENSE for full license text.