☀️ bevy-kajiya playground

A example bevy application using bevy-kajiya for its renderer

NOTE: only tested on Windows.

For more context, check out the bevy-kajiya repo.

This bevy app demonstrates basic usage of the bevy-kajiya crate and the mesh and scene system used by kajiya.

alt text


Navigating the scene:

  • WASD + Q/E - movement and up/down.
  • Left Click drag - move sun
  • Right Click drag - rotate camera
  1. git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Run bake.cmd for the first time building or if you've made changes to mesh assets
  3. Then do cargo run


These WindowDescriptor setting are recommended for kajiya to run properly as kajiya does not support resizable windows yet, but you can change the window width/height as necessary.

        .insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
            width: 1920.,
            height: 1080.,
            vsync: false,
            resizable: false,