📋 Resume

🤖 Deployment

Deployment is automated by GitHub Actions.

Artifact Link Mirror
Résumé https://seabassjh.github.io/latex-resume/resume.html https://seabassjh.github.io/latex-resume/
Résumé, Embedded https://seabassjh.github.io/latex-resume/resume-embed.html https://seabassjh.github.io/latex-resume/embed.html
Résumé, Download https://github.com/seabassjh/latex-resume/releases/download/latest/resume.pdf
  • Manually pushed releases also trigger workflows to upload artifacts.

🔧 Building



  • Build the résumé:
    make resume
  • Build the cirriculum vitae:
    make cv
  • Build the cover letter:
    make coverletter
  • Build all:
    make all
  • Purge all:
    make clean
  • Open PDFs:
    make open