
Pantheon Distributed Server

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Pantheon Distributed Server

Project Structure

The project generally follows a tree with one branch being the server and the other being the client side of the Pantheon project.

                                               |            \
                                              / \            \  Extension Libraries
                                             /   \            \
                                            /     \            \------------------
                                           /       \            \            \
                                          /         \            \            \
                                         /           \     Pantheon.Lidgren  Game Specific Assembies
                                        /             \                                            |
                                       /               \                                           |
                                      /                 \                                          |
         /-------------------> Pantheon.Core       Pantheon.Client.Core                            |
       /                            /                     /       \                                |
      | Pantheon Server Software   /                     /         \    Pantheon Client Software   |
      |                           /           Optional  /           \                             /|
      |                  Pantheon.Server     Client.Extensions <--- Custom Pantheon Client  <----/ |
      |                         /     \                                                            |
      |                        /       \---------------------\                                     |
      |                        | Server.ServiceLoader         \                                    |
      |                  Loads |----------------------\   Server.Config                           /
      |                        |                      |         \                                /
      |                 Pantheon.CoreServices         |          \ Xml Default                  /
      |                        |                      |           \                            /
      |                        |                      |     Other Config Loaders              /
      |                        |                      \                                      /
      |                        V  Loads               GameServer->--------------------------/            
        |                      |                    |                
Pantheon.StateServer   Pantheon.ClientAgent   Pantheon.Database                                                               


The primary goal of the development of Pantheon is to have as few dependencies as possible. This does have the side-effect of sometimes re-inventing the wheel, but for the most part, this allows the components to better gel. Compatibility layers to third-party backends are included (e.g. Pantheon.Lidgren) in separate extension libraries. This allows for these third-party components to be used in place of included components.


It is recommended that you familerize yourself with the general coding conventions before you start writing code. Afterwards, you shoud submit changes on a development branch specific to the feature being implemented.

Creating Extension Libraries

Create a class that inherits from PantheonInitializer, which is in the Pantheon.Common project and implement the Initialize() method. This method is called when the Pantheon Server or a Pantheon Client is started. Generally this method is used to register NetStream extensions or to register new Network Managers.