
Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data (getdata-104) Course Project.

Primary LanguageR


Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data (getdata-104) Course Project.

Clean up and summarise the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset (Version 1.0) data set obtained from https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip as documented at http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Human+Activity+Recognition+Using+Smartphones

This data set consists of the following files

  • READEME.md
  • The document you are reading
  • run_analysys.R
  • An R script that downloads the raw data zip file if is it not present in the current working directory, unzips it and then tidies it up by combining the test and train data vertically, and the subject & activity (y) data to the main data (x). The tidy data is written to a file named "UCI_HAR_Dataset_cleaned.txt". The script then produces a summary of the tidy data that provides the average of each variable for each activity and subject. The summary file is named "UCI_HAR_Dataset_summary.txt".
  • CodeBook.md
  • This provides details of the data that is included in the summary file and the steps that were taken to produce it.

To execute the script from the current working directory you should enter source("run_analysys.R"). If the source data file "UCI_HAR_Dataset.zip" is not present in the current working directory it will be downloaded.

The summary data produced by the script can be read into R from the current directory with the command read.table("UCI_HAR_Dataset_summary.txt", header=TRUE)

Important: This script always works with the zip file. If the unzipped directory is present it will be deleted at the commencement of the script and replaced with the contents of the zip file.