
Create external component as DB, Message Brokers or Observabilities tools out of you apps platform to not suffer performance issues


Create external component as DB, Message Brokers or Observabilities tools out of you apps platform to not suffer performance issues

Some definitions

  • Kompositor shuold be agnostic to CI/CD tools, supporting several ones.
  • Kompositor will think big, but will begin focused, so we are going to pick one single toolset/process and after a first MVP we could add more variation depend upon customer feedback.


  • The komponent is an independent service where the application depend upon.
  • The komponent have the responsibility to spin up the infrastructure and also every layer on top, like could be in Kubernetes or bare VMS
  • It has dynamic names
  • It's a Kubernetes operator based on fluxcd, drone, vault, ansible, terraform, rke y helm
  • If the komponent have some internet facing artifact, it has to provided all the configuration to expose including tls, load balancer or ingress.
  • The komponent works in a declarative fashion
  • Every komponent have to comply certain interface, considering status, tls certificate, dns, observability.
  • The komponent don’t have public access necesarily, so we encourage push healthy to minimize security surface
  • The komponent is a Kubernetes CRD
  • The komponent come from a kemplate, stored in a git repository and using tags a version control system. The komponent is an Instance of the Template
  • The komponent is created based on some kemplate. Before a kemplate, after a komponent.


  • The kemplate define the very simple modules, which are as generic as posible and not coupled to any specific usage
  • The kemplate is a very basic functional building block, so I could spin up a plain template and should works.
  • The kemplate must be versioned to not break running komponents
  • The kemplate must use git tags as versioning mechanism