
Don't Know? CheckFirst. A tool to build eligibility checkers and calculators for Singapore Government policies

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Don't Know? CheckFirst. A tool to build eligibility checkers and calculators for Singapore Government policies

Quick Start

git clone git@github.com:opengovsg/checkfirst
cd checkfirst
npm ci
npm run dev

Codebase Orientation - Server

Environment Variables

As defined in src/server/config


  • src/server/index.ts for Express.js
  • src/server/serverless/{api, static}.ts for deployments into API Gateway + AWS Lambda


  • api/ - API routing to authentication, CRUD operations
  • auth/ - Authentication layer
  • bootstrap/ - Factory function to build the Express.js application for the backend
  • checker/ - CRUD operations layer to manage checkers created by the user
  • models/ - Sequelize models
  • utils/ - miscellaneous functions

Codebase Orientation - Client


  • src/client/index.tsx - mounts src/client/App.tsx onto document

Performing Migrations

This section explains the steps required to perform remote database schema migrations using a bastion SSH instance.

  • Ensure that your current IP address has been whitelisted in the bastion instance security group on AWS
  • Set up a local port-forwarding service by running the following in a terminal window: ssh -L 5433:<DB_HOST>:5432 <SSH_TUNNEL_USER>@<SSH_TUNNEL_HOST> -i <PATH_TO_SSH_HOST_PEM_FILE>
  • Set your NODE_ENV environment variable to either staging or production
  • Set your DATABASE_URL environment variable to the following postgres://<DB_USER>:<DB_PASS>@<DB_NAME>
  • Ensure that the env vars are loaded correctly
  • Perform the up-migration by running the following in another terminal window: npx sequelize db:migrate; perform the down-migration by running npx sequelize db:migrate:undo
  • Verify that your migrations were completed correctly by checking that the name of the migration exists in the SequelizeMeta table in the database