
A two-party secure function evaluation using Yao's garbled circuit protocol

Primary LanguagePython

Secure Multi-Party Computation



This project implements a two-party secure function evaluation using Yao's garbled circuit protocol. It has been started on November 2018 for the Privacy Engineering course of Imperial College London (CO408) and refactored on November 2020.

In our model, two parties Alice and Bob compute a function on their inputs without sharing the value of their inputs with the opposing party. Alice is the circuit creator (the garbler) while Bob is the circuit evaluator. Alice creates the yao circuit and sends it to Bob along with her encrypted inputs. Bob then computes the results and sends them back to Alice.


Code is written for Python 3.6+. Dependencies are:

  • ZeroMQ for communications
  • Fernet for encryption of garbled tables
  • SymPy for prime number manipulation

Install all dependencies:

pip3 install --user pyzmq cryptography sympy

Clone this repository wherever you want and follow the instructions in next section.


Over the network

  1. By default all tests are done on the local network. You can edit the network informations in util.py.
  2. Run the server (Bob): make bob.
  3. In another terminal, run the client (Alice) with one of the json circuit in circuits/: make <circuit-name> e.g. make bool. You can also run make alice to evaluate all circuits in circuits/ at once.

Alice will print the truth table of the circuit for all combination of Alice-Bob inputs. Alice does not know Bob's inputs but for the purpose of printing the truth table only, Alice assumes that Bob's inputs follow a specific order.

The Makefile contains the most useful commands, but you can also directly use the script:

./main.py bob  # Run Bob side
./main.py alice -c <circuit.json>  # Run Alice side
./main.py -h  # See all available options

Local tests

To print the truth table of a circuit:

./main.py local -c <circuit.json>

To print a clear representation of the garbled tables of a circuit:

./main.py local -c <circuit.json> -m table


The project is composed of 4 python files:

  • main.py implements Alice side, Bob side and local tests.
  • yao.py implements:
    • Encryption and decryption functions.
    • Evaluation function used by Bob to get the results of a yao circuit
    • GarbledCircuit class which generates the keys, p-bits and garbled gates of the circuit.
    • GarbledGate class which generates the garbled table of a gate.
  • ot.py implements the oblivious transfer protocol.
  • util.py implements many functions related to network communications and asymmetric key generation.

A few functions converted to boolean circuits are provided in circuits/.

JSON circuit

A function is represented as a boolean circuit using available gates:

  • NOT (1-input gate)
  • AND
  • OR
  • XOR
  • NAND
  • NOR
  • NXOR

A few assumptions are made:

  • Bob knows the boolean representation of the function. Thus the principle of "No security through obscurity" is respected.
  • All gates have one or two inputs and only one output.
  • The outputs of lower numbered gates will always be wired to higher numbered gates and/or be defined as circuit outputs.
  • The gate id is the id of the gate's output.



Here is the json representation of above circuit:

  "name": "smart",
  "circuits": [
      "id": "Smart",
      "alice": [1, 2],
      "bob": [3, 4],
      "out": [7],
      "gates": [
        {"id": 5, "type": "AND", "in": [1, 3]},
        {"id": 6, "type": "XOR", "in": [2, 4]},
        {"id": 7, "type": "OR", "in": [5, 6]}

Here is the truth table of the previous json circuit:

$ ./main.py local -c circuits/smart.json
======== Smart ========
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 0 Bob[3, 4] = 0 0  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 0 Bob[3, 4] = 0 1  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 0 Bob[3, 4] = 1 0  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 0 Bob[3, 4] = 1 1  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 1 Bob[3, 4] = 0 0  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 1 Bob[3, 4] = 0 1  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 1 Bob[3, 4] = 1 0  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 0 1 Bob[3, 4] = 1 1  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 0 Bob[3, 4] = 0 0  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 0 Bob[3, 4] = 0 1  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 0 Bob[3, 4] = 1 0  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 0 Bob[3, 4] = 1 1  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 1 Bob[3, 4] = 0 0  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 1 Bob[3, 4] = 0 1  Outputs[7] = 0
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 1 Bob[3, 4] = 1 0  Outputs[7] = 1
  Alice[1, 2] = 1 1 Bob[3, 4] = 1 1  Outputs[7] = 1

And here is the clear representation of the garbled gates:

$ ./main.py local -c circuits/smart.json -m table
======== Smart ========
P-BITS: {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 0, 7: 0}
[0, 0]: [1, 0][3, 0]([5, 0], 1)
[0, 1]: [1, 0][3, 1]([5, 0], 1)
[1, 0]: [1, 1][3, 0]([5, 0], 1)
[1, 1]: [1, 1][3, 1]([5, 1], 0)
[0, 0]: [2, 1][4, 0]([6, 1], 1)
[0, 1]: [2, 1][4, 1]([6, 0], 0)
[1, 0]: [2, 0][4, 0]([6, 0], 0)
[1, 1]: [2, 0][4, 1]([6, 1], 1)
[0, 0]: [5, 1][6, 0]([7, 1], 1)
[0, 1]: [5, 1][6, 1]([7, 1], 1)
[1, 0]: [5, 0][6, 0]([7, 0], 0)
[1, 1]: [5, 0][6, 1]([7, 1], 1)
