
Seapay is a fintech app consists of 4 different services

  • API gateway
    • API gateway service routes all requests to other services
  • User account
    • User account service takes care of user management: user creation, get user data, etc
  • Wallet
    • Wallet service handles all wallet functionalities: update balance, get balance, create wallet, etc
  • Transaction
    • Transaction service manage all transaction data

The project itself has 4 modules

  • seapay-api
    • a module that abstracts interface for all services
  • seapay-common
    • a module that groups all common functionalities used by all services
  • seapay-domain
    • the bussiness logic for all services goes here
  • seapay-monolith
    • an entry point of our monolithic app, including all handlers

How to use


brew cask install java

How to build

make all

How to run

make run

Logic Sequence Diagram

This script can be shown as Sequence Diagram on

Register Customer

    participant Customer
    participant Gateway
    participant Wallet
    participant UserAccount

    Customer->>Gateway: Register Customer
    Gateway->>UserAccount: Create Customer Account
    UserAccount->>Gateway:Customer Account Created
    Gateway->>Wallet: Create Wallet
    Wallet->>Gateway: Wallet Created
    Gateway->>Customer: Customer Registered

Register Merchant

    participant Admin
    participant Gateway
    participant Wallet
    participant UserAccount

    Admin->>Gateway: Register Merchant
    Gateway->>UserAccount: Create Merchant Account
    UserAccount->>Gateway:Merchant Account Created
    Gateway->>Wallet: Create Wallet
    Wallet->>Gateway: Wallet Created
    Gateway->>Admin: Merchant Registered


    participant Bank
    participant Gateway
    participant Wallet
    participant Transaction

    Bank->>Gateway: Topup

    Gateway->>Wallet: Get Wallet by UserID
    Wallet->>Gateway: WalletID

    Gateway->>Transaction: Create Topup Transaction
    Transaction->>Gateway: Topup Transaction Created

    Gateway->>Wallet: Topup Wallet
    Wallet->>Gateway: Wallet Topup Success 

    Gateway->>Bank: Topup Success


    participant Merchant
    participant Gateway
    participant Wallet
    participant Transaction

    Merchant->>Gateway: Pay

    Gateway->>Wallet: Get Wallet by MerchantID
    Wallet->>Gateway: Merchant WalletID

    Gateway->>Wallet: Get Wallet by CustomerID
    Wallet->>Gateway: Customer WalletID

    Gateway->>Transaction: Create Pay Transaction
    Transaction->>Gateway: Pay Transaction Created

    Gateway->>Wallet: Transfer Balance
    Wallet->>Gateway:  Balance Transferred

    Gateway->>Merchant: Payment Success

Common Sequence Diagram

Create Entity Flow

    participant Client
    participant Service
    participant Entity
    participant Repository
    participant Database
   Client->>Service: Create

   Service->>Entity: Initiate new Entity
   Entity->>Service: Entity

   Service->>Repository: Insert Entity

   Repository->>Database: SQL [Insert into xx table]
   Database->>Repository: Data inserted

   Repository->>Service: Entity Inserted

   Service->>Client: Created

Find Entity Flow

    participant Client
    participant Service
    participant Repository
    participant Mapper
    participant Entity
    participant Database
   Client->>Service: getDataByID

   Service->>Repository: Find Entity by ID

   Repository->>Database: SQL [Select * from xx table]
   Database->>Repository: Database Data return

   Repository->>Mapper: Convert Database Data to Entity
   Mapper->>Entity: Initiate Entity from Data
   Entity->>Mapper: Entity
   Mapper->>Repository: Entity

   Repository->>Service: Entity

   Service->>Client: Data