This is a full stack web app built with React, Material UI and MySQL Database. Our client is a national dog rescue non-profit Australian Shepherds Furever The purpose of this site is to augment the current website with a login portal for fosters, adopters, volunteers and staff to interact with the database pertaining to the dog profiles or 'dossiers,' foster applicants/profiles, adoption applicants/profiles and more.
Interacting developers must utilize React, Heroku, MySQL, GitHub and all related JSON dependencies, including axios to search API database information.
This application is used by ASF volunteers to scan a database of dog dossiers and ASF users to find the most update information. Additionally full CRUD functionality allows new profiles to be created, updated, reviewed or archived. All user capabilities are aligned to the user's permission level based on their standing in the organization.
Project developers are: Ashley Eubank, Hannah Starcevich, John Jacobson, Shea Mullaney
For questions, contact anyone on our team via GitHub