Ultimate Fast Flags List

Version: 5.0.5 [2/9/2024]
  • 103 Currently Listed
  • 5 Textures Currently Listed
  • New Formatting
  • Removed Bloxstrap Presets Please use Bloxstrap

How to use

  • Open the Bloxstrap Menu
  • Fast Flags >> Fast Flags Editor >> Import Json
  • Paste in the JSON
  • Then you should be good to go and save!

List Navigation


Rendering API


MacOS Only
{ "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferMetal": "True" }


{ "FFlagDebugGraphicsDisableDirect3D11": "True", "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferVulkan": "True" }


{ "FFlagDebugGraphicsDisableDirect3D11": "True", "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferOpenGL": "True" }

Direct X 10

{ "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11FL10": "True" }

Direct X 11

{ "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11": "True" }

Graphical Settings & other stuff

Smoother Terrain

{ "FFlagDebugRenderingSetDeterministic": "True" }


{ "FFlagDebugLuaHeapDump": "True" }

Graphics Quality Level

{ "FIntRomarkStartWithGraphicQualityLevel": "1" }

Low Quallity Terrain Textures

4 for less quality 16, 32, 64 for higher quality
{ "FIntTerrainArraySliceSize": "4" }

Disable Shadows

{ "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0" }

Set Fps Limit

{ "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": "9999" }

{ "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": "9999" }

Enables Network Debug Tracker menu

Instructions: CTRL+F8
it's over.
{ "DFFlagDebugEnableInterpolationVisualizer": "True" }

Humanoid Outline

Draws an outline around every part and every humanoid
{ "DFFlagDebugDrawBroadPhaseAABBs": "True" }

Buggy ZPlane Camera a.k.a xray

{ "FIntCameraFarZPlane": "1" }

Preserve rendering quality with display setting

{ "DFFlagDisableDPIScale": "True" }

Low Graphics Quality w/ Max Render Distance

Explanation: 1-6 Are low graphics, Above 6 are high graphics. Like the 1-21 graphics slider
{ "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1" }

FRM Levels


1 = 3
2 = 2
3 = 6


4 = 7
5 = 11
6 = 14
7 = 15 
8 = 17
9 = 18
10 = 21

Low Render Distance

{ "DFIntDebugRestrictGCDistance": "1" }

Disable Wind

{ "FFlagGlobalWindRendering": "False", "FFlagGlobalWindActivated": "False" }

Limits light updates

{ "FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMax": "8", "FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMin": "6" }

Disables fade in and fade out animation every light update

changes fade in ms!!
{ "FIntRenderLocalLightFadeInMs": "0" }

Makes avatars shiny

[everything goes black on <3] [DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride is there to set your graphics to 10, You can change it to anything above 3: Click here to view ]
{ "DFIntRenderClampRoughnessMax": "-640000000", "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "21" }

Disable PostFX

{ "FFlagDisablePostFx": "True" }

Pause Voxelizer/Disable Baked Shadows

{ "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True" }

Gray Sky

{ "FFlagDebugSkyGray": "True" }

Disable Player Shadows

{ "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0" }

Force LOD on Meshes

{ "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistance": "0", "FFlagGlobaDFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL12lWindActivated": "0", "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL23": "0", "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL34": "0" }

Lighting Attenuation

{ "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True" }

Enable GPULightCulling

Combine with Lighting Attenuation for better vision
{ "FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True" }

Frame Buffer

Explnation: 0 makes white screen 1-3 makes other players have laggy movement, 4 is stable has better performance than 10 and less input lag
{ "DFIntMaxFrameBufferSize": "4" }

High Quality Textures

{ "DFFlagTextureQualityOverrideEnabled": "True", "DFIntTextureQualityOverride": "3" }

Lower Quality Textures

{ "DFIntPerformanceControlTextureQualityBestUtility": "-1" }

Remove Grass

{ "FIntFRMMinGrassDistance": "0", "FIntFRMMaxGrassDistance": "0", "FIntRenderGrassDetailStrands": "0", "FIntRenderGrassHeightScaler": "0" }

Force MSAA

[0, 1, 2, 4, 8]
{ "FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": "4" }

ShadowMap Bias

[Future & ShadowMap]
{ "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "75" }

User Interface

No Transparency V4 Menu (2023)

{ "FStringInGameMenuModernizationStickyBarForcedUserIds": "UserID" }

Revert Old Report Menu

{ "FStringReportAbuseMenuRoactForcedUserIds": "UserID_HERE", "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuRoactABTest2": "False", "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuRoact2": "False", "FFlagEnableReportAbuseMenuLayerOnV3": "False" }

Custom MicroProfile Scale

{ "DFIntMicroProfilerDpiScaleOverride": "100" }

V1 Menu

{ "FIntNewInGameMenuPercentRollout3": "10000" }

Hides gui

{ "FFlagDebugAdornsDisabled": "True" }

Dont Render UI

{ "FFlagDebugDontRenderUI": "True" }

Enable Audio Controller

{ "FFlagTrackerLodControllerDebugUI": "True" }

Disable Autocomplete

{ "FFlagEnableCommandAutocomplete": "False" }

Chrome UI TopBar

{ "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "True" }

Better Chrome UI TopBar

{ "FFlagChromeBetaFeature": "True", "FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat": "True", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "True", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest": "True", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeSignalAPI": "True", "FFlagPlayerListChromePushdown": "True", "FFlagEnableChromeEscapeFix": "True", "FFlagEnableChromeMicShimmer": "True", "FFlagPlayerListChromePushdown": "True" }

Chrome UI Topbar Removal

{ "FFlagChromeBetaFeature": "False", "FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat": "False", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "False", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest": "False", "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeSignalAPI": "False", "FFlagPlayerListChromePushdown": "False" }

Disable Bubble Chat

{ "FFlagEnableBubbleChatFromChatService": "False" }

Disable Selfview

{ "FFlagCoreGuiTypeSelfViewPresent": "False" }

Remove VC Beta Badge

{ "FFlagVoiceBetaBadge": "False", "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": "False", "FFlagEnableBetaBadgeLearnMore": "False", "FFlagBetaBadgeLearnMoreLinkFormview": "False", "FFlagControlBetaBadgeWithGuac": "False", "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": "null" }

Pin Chat on Chrome UI

{ "FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat": "True" }

Hide guis

Instructions: Replace "ID" with any group ID that you are in.
{ "DFIntCanHideGuiGroupId": "ID_HERE" }

Disable Fullscreen Title Bar

{ "FIntFullscreenTitleBarTriggerDelayMillis": "3600000" }

Set Custom Font Size

{ "FIntFontSizePadding": "1" }


No Textures

    "FStringPartTexturePackTable2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://9873284556\",\"rbxassetid://9438453972\"],\"color\":[254,254,254,7]}}",
    "FStringPartTexturePackTablePre2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://7547304948\",\"rbxassetid://7546645118\"],\"color\":[254,254,254,7]}}",
    "FStringTerrainMaterialTable2022": "",
    "FStringTerrainMaterialTablePre2022": ""

Others moved to Textures Branch


Stick unanchored parts to you

- = up, + = down
blame popbob he said it was ok to leak this
{ "DFIntSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-1000", "DFIntNonSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-5000" }

Breaks glitches stuff

All type of wallhops, longjumps, headhitters and probably more stop working
{ "DFFlagSimHumanoidPhysics": "True" }

Max Raycast Distance

Break legs collision from 2 to -inf, kinda break camera on values over 3
noclip cam on 3
{ "DFIntRaycastMaxDistance": "3" }

Possible Super Jump

i thought this was patched thats why i removed it lol
{ "DFIntNewRunningBaseGravityReductionFactorHundredth": "1500" }

Breaks movement on higher negative values

{ "FIntPGSAngularDampingPermilPersecond": "-10000" }

it does something to movement cant describe rn cus im busy

{ "FIntPGSAngularDampingPermilPersecond": "0" }

It allows you to fall quicker and ignore certain block designs

{ "FFlagHumanoidOnlySetCollisionsOnStateChangeDefaultIsEnabled": "False", "FFlagHumanoidParallelFasterSetCollision": "True" }

Gear Desync

a.k.a dos not let you load games
{ "DFIntDataSenderRate": "-1" }

Fake Lag

{ "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "1" }

ultiamt desync flag!! 😱😱😱

{ "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "1", "FIntPGSAngularDampingPermilPersecond": "0" }

Noclip 1

adjust the value so u dont fall through the ground
{ "DFFlagAssemblyExtentsExpansionStudHundredth": "-50" }

Noclip 2

{ "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMax": "2147483647", "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMin": "2147483647" }

Noclip Combo

adjust the value so u dont fall through the ground
{ "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMax": "2147483647", "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMin": "2147483647", "DFFlagAssemblyExtentsExpansionStudHundredth": "-50" }


a.k.a control the unanchored
{ "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMax": "-100000000", "FIntPGSPenetrationMarginMin": "-100000000" }

limited speed fflag that works only in a few games

one of them being Phantom Forces, and it makes you only slightly faster
{ "DFIntDebugSimPhysicsSteppingMethodOverride": "10000000" }

Hip Height

Very controllable bounce, only works with negative values, 0 allows you to hover
{ "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent": "-200" }


{ "DFFlagUnstickForceAttackInTenths": "-4" }

other fflags

Disable ADs

{ "FFlagAdServiceEnabled": "False" }

Disable Telemetry

[This doesn't fully disable telemetry]
{ "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralCounter": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralStat": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEventIngest": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryPoint": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Counter": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Event": "True", "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Stat": "True" }

Scroll Speed

{ "FIntScrollWheelDeltaAmount": "140" }

Surf the web inside of Roblox

Click the Beta badge or the 13+ badge to open the webview browser.
{ "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": "True", "FStringTopBarBadgeLearnMoreLink": "https://google.com/", "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": "https://google.com/" }

Sounds use physical velocity and become distorted

{ "FFlagSoundsUsePhysicalVelocity": "True" }

Shows the state of a flag

{ "FStringDebugShowFlagState": "FLAG_HERE" }
{ "FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps, ChannelName" }


[Might Improve Ping]
{ "DFIntConnectionMTUSize": "MTU_HERE" }

No Internet Disconnect

[You will still be kicked but the message wont show.]
{ "DFFlagDebugDisableTimeoutDisconnect": "True" }

Quick Game Launch

{ "FFlagEnableQuickGameLaunch": "True" }

Allows you to change voice chat distance

default: [Min 7 Max 80]
{ "DFIntVoiceChatRollOffMinDistance": "7", "DFIntVoiceChatRollOffMaxDistance": "80" }

Disable In-Game Purchases

{ "DFFlagOrder66": "True" }

Disable Chat

{ "FFlagDebugForceChatDisabled": "True" }

Limit audios that are being played

{ "DFIntMaxLoadableAudioChannelCount": "1" }

Adds an UI in game, which highlights any part player touches (like ground, Meshes etc.). It's a non-functioning UI too. Also adds a blue circle to your humanoid.

{ "FFlagDebugHumanoidRendering": "True" }

Custom Disconnect Message

{ "FFlagReconnectDisabled": "True", "FStringReconnectDisabledReason": "You're stupid and I hate you" }

Display FPS

{ "FFlagDebugDisplayFPS": "True" }

Verified Badge

{ "FStringWhitelistVerifiedUserId": "UserID_HERE" }

Verified Badge on everyone

{ "FFlagOverridePlayerVerifiedBadge": "True" }

Applies cool colors to stuff

{ "FFlagDebugDisplayUnthemedInstances": "True" }

Show Outlined Chunks

{ "FFlagDebugLightGridShowChunks": "True" }

Remove Disconnect Blur/Loading Blur

{ "FIntRobloxGuiBlurIntensity": "0" }

Disable Dynamic Heads Animations

{ "DFFlagEnableDynamicHeadByDefault": "False" }


gray avatars
{ "FFlagFailsafeHumanoid_3": "True" }

Automatically unmutes your mic on join

{ "FFlagDebugDefaultChannelStartMuted": "False" }

Overlay that shows what you type

{ "FFlagDebugTextBoxServiceShowOverlay": "True" }

opt-out Experience Language

Removes the Experience Language option in settings
{ "FIntV1MenuLanguageSelectionFeaturePerMillageRollout": "0" }

Disable New Chat Translation Settings

{ "FFlagChatTranslationSettingEnabled3 ": "False" }

Lets you change the zoom out limit

infinite zoom out!!
{ "FIntCameraMaxZoomDistance": "9999" }

Limits number of animations being played

{ "DFIntMaxActiveAnimationTracks": "0" }

Prevents Remote Events from running

{ "DFIntRemoteEventSingleInvocationSizeLimit": "1" }

Clientsided Invisible

{ "FIntParallelDynamicPartsFastClusterBatchSize": "1" }


MEGA FLAG LIST [Bloxstrap Server]

Bloxstrap [Github Repo Link]

NVIDIA Shaders Guide [Github Repo Link]

EnableAnselForRoblox [Github Repo Link]

potato fflags [Github Repo Link]

Patched in 0, 608, 1, 6080485


‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩·̩̩୨˚̣̣̣̣͙୧·̩̩⋆̩*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧ You've reached the bottom of the list! ‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩·̩̩୨˚̣̣̣̣͙୧·̩̩⋆̩*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧୨

List Information

  • Creation Date: 9:46 PM 08/25/2023
  • Github Publish Date: 12/26/2023


FastFlags 2024®eal