
Access GPT3 straight from the terminal

Primary LanguageShell



Access GPT3 straight from your terminal.

How to use:

  1. Create a new file in the root folder or in other location: nano /root/gtp3.sh.
  2. Paste the code from gpt3.sh and make sure to edit line #4 to reflect your OPENAI API Key. Save.
  3. chmod +x gpt3.sh.
  4. For convenience of access, add an alias to /.bashrc located in /root, such as: alias gpt3=/root/gpt3.sh.
  5. Use: gpt3 <Your prompt>.

Note: I've hardcoded some of the parameters (temperature, presence penalty, frequency penalty, max token, top_p) for convenience. In the future, if there is interest, I might develop this further.