
Fully Featured Multi-Level-Marketing Software

Primary LanguagePerlGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


It is a fully featured open-source Multi-Level Market (MLM) package, providing registration, membership, compensations, cronjobs, shopping, ticketing, backend administration and so on. Four types of bonus plans are implemented internally: unilevel, team, pairing and affiliate rewards, but developer can easily extend it to other customized plans.

The software is built on top of Genelet (or the main site), which is a multilingual open-source web development framework for developing secure, scalable and high-performance web sites.


The software is written in Perl programming language. It can run as standard CGI-BIN program or Fast CGI (see section 1.11). Besides running CGI, you need to access MySQL database and run commands under shell. MLM has built-in unit and functional testing suites, which you need to pass to make sure that installation is successful and compensation calculations are correct.

1.1) Download Perl Package Genelet

$ git clone https://github.com/genelet/perl.git

Assume your current directory is SAMPLE_home. After the clone, directory perl will be created within SAMPLE_home.

Note that in real environment, the home directory is definitely not named as SAMPLE_home so you should replace all the mentions of SAMPLE_home below by yours.

1.2) Download mlm

$ git clone https://github.com/genelet/mlm.git

After the clone, directory mlm will be created to contain 4 directories: lib, conf, www and views. The file structure will look like this:

SAMPLE_home /
            perl    /
            mlm /
                       lib    /
                       conf   /
                       www    /
                       views  /

1.3) Prepare Web Server

Have your web server to point website's document root to www. Optionally, you may assign both SAMPLE_home/perl and SAMPLE_home/mlm/lib to the Perl path:

$ export PERL5LIB=/SAMPLE_home/perl:/SAMPLE_home/mlm/lib

Genelet and mlm use only basic 3rd-party modules, which your server may already have. You may need to install the following modules. The corresponding packages in Ubuntu are marked too:

Test::Class               sudo apt-get install libtest-class-perl
Digest::HMAC_SHA1         sudo apt-get install libdigest-hmac-perl
JSON                      sudo apt-get install libjson-perl
XML::LibXML               sudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl
Template                  sudo apt-get install libtemplate-perl
CGI::Fast (optional)      sudo apt-get install libcgi-fast-perl

1.4) Create MySQL Database

Create a MySQL database, and username and password to access it. File 01_init.sql in conf is the database schedma. You need to load it into the database using a client tool. After that, please follow 02_read.me to add test accounts and test products defined in 03_setup.sql.

1.5) Build config.json

Follow instruction in 04_read.me to build your first config file, config.json. Put the database information you created in 1.4) in the "Db" block.

1.6) Run Unit Tests

Follow instruction in 05_read.me to add Beacon.pm, admin.t and placement.t to lib/MLM, lib/MLM/Admin and lib/MLM/Placement:

SAMPLE_home / mlm / lib / MLM
                                     / Beacon.pm
                                     / Admin
                                                 / admin.t
                                     / Placement
                                                 / placement.t

Then go to Admin and Placement to run Unit tests:

$ cd SAMPLE_home
$ cd mlm/lib/MLM/Admin
$ perl admin.t
$ cd ../Placement
$ perl placement.t

1.7) Run Functional Tests

Follow instruction in 06_read.me to create bin and associated files. You may create an empty director SAMPLE_home/mlm/logs for debugging messages before run the Functional tests:

$ mkdir ../logs
$ cd ../bin/
$ perl 01_product.t
$ perl 02_member.t
$ perl 03_income.t
$ perl 04_ledger.t
$ perl 05_shopping.t

1.8) Build Week Tables

Follow instruction in 07_read.me to build the week tables cron_1week and cron_4week, on which days the different types of compensations will be calculated. To do this, run 08_weekly.pl in conf:

$ perl 08_weekly.pl -h

And follow up the message to proceed.

1.9) Build Cronjob

This is run_daily.pl in bin. You should edit it and run it as a daily cronjob e.g. 2am every day:

$ crontab -e
0 2 * * * SAMPLE_home/mlm/bin/run_daily.pl

1.10) Launch the Website!

Make sure the web server, the config file, the week tables and the cron job are all set up correctly. Now you are alive! Here are the entrance URLs:

New member signup:


Backend admin:


Member portal:


1.11) Run as Fast CGI program

For most system, running mlm as a CGI program is both fast and more secure. However, if you have a large customer base, a tight system resource or on a virtual host enrionment, you may want to run it as a Fast CGI to gain extra speed. In particular, many virtual-host services are running PHP under Apache's mod_fcgid module. So you may just modify the existing

$ SAMPLE_home/mlm/cgi-bin/goto

to be a Fast CGI handler in control panel. To do this, just add digit 1 as the forth argument in Genelet::Dispatch::run of goto. So it becomes:

Genelet::Dispatch::run("/SAMPLE_home/mlm/conf/config.json","/SAMPLE_home/mlm/lib",["Admin","Affiliate","Signup","Member","Sponsor","Placement","Category","Gallery","Package", "Packagedetail","Packagetype","Sale","Basket","Lineitem","Income","Incomeamount","Ledger","Tt","Ttpost","Week1","Week4","Affiliate"], 1);


We have internally built 4 compensation plans. The parameters in the plans are defined in the Custom data block of config.json, and 3 tables: def_type, def_direct and def_match. You may use them as basic blocks to build your own compensation plans.

2.1) Membership

Members who joint your MLM system are classified into different types defined in def_type:

CREATE TABLE def_type (
  typeid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  short varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  bv int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  price int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  yes21 enum('Yes','No') DEFAULT 'No',
  c_upper int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (typeid)

in which typeid is the unique ID; name the membership name such as "Gold Membership"; short its abbreation; price the minimal price of this membership's initial sign-up package, and bv the Bonus Value of the package. yes21 and c_upper are put there for Pairing bonus only: yes21 means whether or not the membership allows 2:1 type of pairing in additional to 1:1, and c_upper the upper limit in dollar amount for each pairing.

Note that signup is not the only type of shopping packages in your system. Customers who already have joint as members, may shop your other products sporadically. This retail shopping will be assigned with typeid of value SHOP_typeid defined in config.json.

2.2) Unilevel Bonus (or Direct Bonus)

Every time, when an existing member refers a new member to join your MLM system, she will be rewarded with Unilevel Bonus. She is called sponsor, and the new member her offspring. The dollar amount of the bonus is defined in table def_direct:

CREATE TABLE def_direct (
  directid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  typeid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  whoid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  bonus double DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (directid),
  KEY typeid (typeid),
  KEY whoid (whoid)

in which directid is the unique ID; typeid sponsor's typeid, and who offspring's typeid. bonus is the dollar amount rewarded to the sponsor. This table will allow you to define privileges for different membership types.

The unilevel bonus is calculated every 4 weeks, or monthly, on days defined in the cron_4week table.

2.3) Team Bonus (or Match Bonus)

Besides referring new member directly, for who there is a unilevel bonus, sponsor gains referring bonus over generations called Match-Up Bonus. For example, if your direct offspring referes a new member, not only the offspring, who is rewarded the unilevel bonus, but also you as the 2nd-generation sponsor gains the 2nd generation match-up bonus. This can go up to many generations.

Meanwhile, just because one's sponsor gets match-up bonus, all of her direct offsprings will share additional percentage of the bonus issued by the system, which is called Match-Down Bonus. In our system, we put the two types of bonus together as Team Bonus, because it helps one build up her sales team.

The match-up bonus plan is defined in def_match:

 CREATE TABLE def_match (
  matchid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  typeid tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  lev tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  rate double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (matchid),
  KEY typeid (typeid)

in which matchid is the unique ID; typeid sponsor's typeid; lev the level of generations (apparently, it is 2 or above); and rate the percentage. For example, if lev=10 and rate=0.01, then a newly joint offpsing with initial package $1000 will trigger a reward of $10 to her 10-up-generation sponsor.

The match-down rate is defined in RATE_matchdown in config.json. Assume that a sponsor has 5 direct offsprings. She gets $10 in match-up bonus, and the match-down rate is 0.25. So the system will assign $0.5 to each of the offsprings as the match-down bonus.

The team bonus is calculated weekly on days defined in cron_1week.

2.4) Pairing Bonus (or Binary Bonus)

It is another type of popular MLM bonus. Besides the above sponsor tree, member can place another member, called downline to her pyramid tree, starting with two direct downlines on her left and right legs. Each leg can and only can have one downline. As you image, this builds up a private pyramid for each member.

We use words sponsor and offspring in the sponsorship tree, and word upline and downline in the pyramid tree.

Downlines in one's pyramid tree, are offsprings of her direct sponsor and up-generation sponsors in the sponsor tree (till the first sponsor in the MLM system). This means, any of her up-generation sponsors can place a downline to her left or right leg. Thus, the up-generation sponsor (in the sponsor tree) becomes new downline's up-generation upline (in the pyramid tree).

Here is a typical example: a sponsor named Mary refers an offspring to the MLM system. Because Mary's two legs are already filled up so she places the offspring under a open leg of downline "John". The new member is

  • Mary's direct offspring, sponsorship tree
  • John's direct downline, pyramid tree
  • Mary's multi-generation downline, pyramid tree
  • John and the new member have no relationship in the sponsorship tree.

In the pyramid tree, a newly joint downline will add his package's BV to all up-generation uplines' relevant legs. The BV values accumulated are called one's points or sales volume.

If one gets enough points on both the legs, they will be paired and flushed out, sometimes call collission, and then a paring bonus will be generated. Custom->{BIN} in config.json defines what these parameters are: unit is the base unit in bv, rate for rate to convert BV to dollar amount. For example, if someone has 500 bv on the left leg and 400 bv on the right leg, and unit=200, the collission will involve 2 units, which is then converted to $40 (rate=0.1) as dollar amount. After the flushing, her left leg has 100 bv and right 0 bv.

Note that if c_upper=30 is defined in def_type, the real compensation she receives will be $30 instead of $40.

In practice, members have very unbalanced sales volumes on two legs. So our system implements another 2:1 type of pairing so as to flush out one's points as fast as possible. Whether or not a membership can execute 2:1 is defined in def_type as a privilege. For example, if one has 1,000 bv on left and 400 bv on right, our system will pair at 800:400, or 2 units of 2:1, instead of 2 units of 400:400. After the paring, her points are 200:0. rate21 is the rate for this type of pairing.

The pairing bonus is calculated weekly on days defined in cron_1week.

2.5) Auto Placement and Power Line

On member portal, one can assign an offspring and a leg, as the default upline for new signups in the pyramid tree. This is called Auto Placement. If the leg is already been occupied by a new signup, the same leg of the new signup will be used automatically as the new default placement.

For example, Mary assigns John's left leg as her Auto Placement. If Henry joins and occupies John's left leg, Henry's left leg will become the new Auto Placement for Mary, and so on, until Mary changes the rule explicitely on her member portal. This feature helps to build one's power line automatically.

In practice, most members will try to take advantage of powerful upline's power line, so they need only to build up the other lines. Member should adjust her Auto Placement, so as to optimize the balance of two sales volumes.

2.6) Affiliate Bonus

This type of bonus is usually applied to selected members in your system. Whether or not a member can become affiliate is managed in admin portal's Membership/Affiliates.

During the process to activate a new signup application, your manager can credit the signup to an affiliate. The dollar amount the affiliate gets is defined in Custom->{RATE_affiliate}. For example, if the new signup buys a package of $1000 and the rate 0.02, the system will reward $20 to the affiliate.

The affiliate bonus is calculated weekly on days defined in cron_1week.

2.7) When to Calculate

All the bonus calculations are automatically managed by the daily cronjob program run_daily.pl. Please check section 1.9).

2.8) Limited Displays

For securit reasons, you may limit the views of one's pyramid downlines and sponsorship offsprings to certain levels. These are defined in config.json:

  • MAX_plevel, maximal display level for downlines on admin portal
  • MAX_mplevel, maximal display level for downlines on member portal
  • MAX_slevel, maximal display level for offsprings on admin portal
  • MAX_mslevel, maximal display level for offsprings on member portal


In this chapter, we explain how to use the backend management system including to build product packages, to process orders and to keep ledger books etc. Note that MLM does not actually charge credit/debt card nor to do any online money processing. It depends on you or your accounting department to put markers into relevant ledger tables to proceed.

So either you process money offline (and put markers in ledger), or you have to implement your own online credit card processing. For the later solution, we believe there are many other software available.

MLM is not aimed to be a eCommerce package too, so it impements only limited product and shopping features but they are good enough to run the core MLM functions.

3.1) New Applicants

3.1.1) On public website

On the public signup page, a new candidate fills in the application form and submits it to your system:


On this page, the applicant can specify his sponsor username. In practice, the sponsor should give a specific URL to candidates with her username being automatically filled in.

Method 1, put sponsor's username as an additional query:


Method 2, put the username in URL path, and let the web server to redirect:




The system would redirect it to


You need to use Redirect functions of your web server to set the above methods up.

Meanwhile, the new applicant, with the help of sponsor, may also specify his pyramid upline by filling in upline's member ID and leg. This is just an option. We have implemented an rule to do automatical pyramid placement. Please see section 4.5).

3.1.2) On backend

The backend shows the list of new applicants in Membership/New Signups. Manager can execute two actions on each new application: activate the application, or delete it. If activating, he should put a money transaction ID on it. So in case you can track back where the money came from. Meanwhile, our system will record manager's username into the member_signup table.

Again, mlm does not process real trasactions. It depends on your manager to put markers to fulfil transactions and shipping etc.

After the signup is activated, a new record appears as Pending Order in Sales.

3.2) Process Sales Orders

What Pending Order means, is that you already have charged the singup fee from the member, but you haven't shipped the initial package. At this moment, the one is already a full, active member and participates in all bonus calculations.

The next step to process a sales order is Processing, which means the order is sent to your shipping-and-handling department to process. You may put optional messages here as a remark.

The last step is to put it into status "Delivered", which means the prouduct is delivered. Put a tracking ID here.

We provide only brief shipping-and-handling features, which are good enough for your to run bonus calculations and track orders. Developers may implement own logistic or EPR software system to do a fullly-featured management.

3.3) Product and Retail Shopping

Just as sales orders, we provide only a limited shopping experience. You may enhance it, or implement another eCommerce package.

3.3.1) category

Your products are grouped into different categories by natures. Go to Product/Categories to manage categories e.g. to create a new category.

3.3.2) item

Then you go to Product/Produc Items to manage physical product items. Here you can name it, put description on it, or upload thumbnail and full image etc.

3.3.3) package

You would sell to your signups with pre-defined Packages of fixed items and fixed price and BV, intead of to let customers to shop around randomly. Go to Product/Packages to create a new empty package, by specifying its name and membership type. Then fill it in with real items.

The total price of a package does not have to be the sum of the items, since you may have discount. So specify a price here. However, when calculating bonuses, we will use intrincic price defined in def_type. Why? Because your discount may change often during the time, but the bonus calculation need to be kept consistently.

Note that package is only for specific member type, so you can't change BV here.

3.3.4) retail shopping

Members can shop individual items on member portal:


Clicking on Shop on top will take her to the shopping mall starting with categories. She can use her shopping money and bonuses to buy products. If the balance is not enough, she shoud send money to the company by offline and a manager can add the dollar amount to her ledger.

3.4) Compensation and Ledgerbooks

Every week, MLM generates bonuses for members, which are fully tracked. Go to Compensations you will find all types of bonus calculations in details.

The explanations of Details and Rewards in each compensation type is straightforward. For example, in Direct Bonus, we list how many sales, grouped by membership types, sponsors have made in a week. In Direct Reward, we show actual unilevel dollar amount these sales have been converted to.

3.5) Ledgerbook

The last step in compensation calculations is to put the compensations into ledgerbook income_ledger. However, the bonus will be divided into two banks: one (balance) for withdraw and one (shop_balance) for retail shopping. RATE_shop in config.json is the percentage for shopping (and so 1 - RATE_shop for withdraw).

A tag is used to mark different types of transactions in the ledger. The weekly and monthly compensations are marked as types Weekly and Monthly, the shopping fee as Shopping and the money withdraw as Withdraw. In addition, In is for member to send offline money. Different types of transactions will put the money differently into shop_balance and balance according to their nature.

3.6) Cut-Off or Re-Join the Pyramid

Occassionally, you may want to cut member's (small) pyramid off her upline's left or right leg. Later, you re-joint the losen tree to a leg of different member. You can do those actions in Membership/Binary Tree. Internally, when cutting off a small pyramid, we actually place it under a non-existent system upline, defined to be TOP_memberid.

3.7) Manage Managers

Those who can login to the admin portal, are classified into 4 manager groups. The ROOT group can manage anything including other managers. The others are ACCOUNTING, SUPPORT, and MARKETING for different department tasks. If you login as ROOT, you are able to see the Manage Managers button.

3.8) Run Online Tests

The Compensation Test allows one to see different types of bonus within a day range. These are harmless actions since they only show you what bonus would be, they don't actually caculate the bonuses nor put into the bonus tables and leger.

If you are ROOT, you can view and run Execute and Write to actually run the whole bonus calculation process. Nomarlly this should be avoided, since the bonuses are not revertable. But during early testing phases, it can be a very powerful tool to let you calculate and test.

Chapter 4. OTHERS

4.1) Customization

For new development, developers may check out the Tutorial and Manual of Genelet. It is a very powerful framework, yet has a short learning-curve to mvoe products quickly.

If developers merely want to customize compensations, they should focus on programs in lib/MLM/Income. For example, to add a new compensation plan called Bonus X, what you may do is like the followings:

  • add new column statusX to database table cron_1week
  • add new action name "week1_x" to the actions section in lib/MLM/Income/component.json
  • add associated plan parameters to Custom in config.json
  • write new methods is_week1_x, week1_x, done_week1_x and weekly_x in lib/MLM/Income/Model.pm
  • add the bonus to methods run_cron, run_daily and run_all_tests of Model.pm
  • add it to the daily cronjob bin/run_daily.pl.

4.2) Development in Java and GO Lang

Genelet, the framework this software based on, allows developers to write the same programs in Java and GO. Besides Perl, developers may code new programs in the other program languages. Contact us for details.

4.3) CSS Bootstrap Template

Dynamical HTML pages are generated by Perl's Template Toolkits package using Bootstrap, for which Developers can replace by their own CSS and Javascript frameworks. Genelet follows the Model/View/Controller pattern, so developers just change the Views. To do this:

  • Create a new view directory, and have string Template, currently SAMPLE_home/mlm/views, point to it in config.json.
  • in the directory, build the same structure as the old one. You may simply:
$ (cd SAMPLE_home/views; tar cvf - *) | (cd NEW_view_directory; tar xvf -)
  • make changes as you like. Just in case, you may switch back to the original pages.


Another useful feature of Genelet is that one gets always the returned page in JSON by changing the tag name en to json in the URL. This could be used as API for other development such as mobile apps.