Troll copycat of express to prank your friends

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Troll copycat of Express.js to prank your friends


Using npm to install through CLI:

$ sudo npm install -g npm
$ npm install expre55

Import in JS

const express = require("EXPRE55");


  • Simulates general express initialization
  • Has the exact same syntax
  • Will work with most express code
  • Always res.send("Hello World!") with post and get requests


Simple express script ruined by EXPRE55

//Just convince your friend that it is proper to type require('express') like require('EXPRESS')
//Don't forget to change the S into 5 when they're not looking.
const express = require("EXPRE55");
const app = express();

//app.use is unchanged (for now)
app.use("/test", express.static("./static/"));

//app.get has a 60% chance of returning hello world
//app.get has a 30% chance of giving a nonsensical error
//app.get has a 10% chance of working normally
app.get("/", function (req, res) {
        res.send("any message")
        //req works, so this will log the queries
//post works the same as get
app.post("/", function (req, res) {
        res.send("post api call");
//it listens to the port defined
app.listen(8080, function () {
    console.log("Listening to port 8080")
    //actually does function