
Seam Validation: a portable CDI extension dedicated to the integration of Hibernate Validator

Primary LanguageJava

What is it?

This is the incubator for a Seam 3 module dedicated to the integration of Hibernate Validator and CDI ("Contexts and Dependency Injection for the JavaTM EE platform", defined by JSR 299).

This module provides a CDI portable extension, which offers the following services:

  • Dependency injection of javax.validation.ValidatorFactory and javax.validation.Validator instances in Non-Java-EE environments:

      public class MyBean {
      	private Validator validator;
      	public void foo(Bar bar) {
      		Set<ConstraintViolation<Bar>> violations = validator.validate(bar);
  • Dependency injection in javax.validation.ConstraintValidator instances:

      public class MyConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MyConstraint, String> {
      	private FooService foo;
      	public void initialize(MyConstraint constraintAnnotation) {	}
      	public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
      		if(value == null) {
      			return true;
      		return foo.isValid(value);
  • Integration with the method validation feature of Hibernate Validator. Annotate any CDI bean with @AutoValidating to trigger automatic validation of invocations of it's methods:

      public class FooService {
      	public void bar(@NotNull @Size(min=3) String baz) {

If FooService#bar() is invoked with null or a String shorter than three characters as value for the baz parameter this call will be intercepted and a MethodConstraintViolationExceptionwill be thrown.