
An example of a Go integration with Assa Abloy Visionline using the Seam API

Primary LanguageGo

Visionline Integration Example Go

To run the steps you just need have Go 1.21.4 or later installed and run go run . inside of any step folder.

Step One: Create Webviews (One Time Only)

To connect to visionline, you must create a 3 webviews, each for one of the services you're connecting:

  • Seam Bridge (to connect you to the Visionline Network)
  • Assa Abloy Credential Service
  • On-Prem Visionline

Each webview has a URL, you go to this URL to log in!

Here are the commands, after executing each one, open the webview and fill in the sample credentials:

  • seam connect-webviews create --accepted-providers seam_bridge
    • Pairing Code: 1234
    • Name: My Network
  • seam connect-webviews create --accepted-providers assa_abloy_credential_service
    • Username: jane
    • Password: 1234
  • seam connect-webviews create --accepted-providers visionline
    • Username: jane
    • Password: 1234
    • Lan IP:

All steps beyond this point you repeat for each incoming Guest

Step Two: Create a User Identity to Represent the Guest

  • seam user-identities create --email-address jane@example.com

Step Three: Enroll the User Identity to allow Phones to Sync

  • seam user-identities enrollment-automations launch
    • For user_identity_id select jane@example.com
    • For credential_manager_acs_system_id select "Assa Abloy Credential Service"
    • For create_credential_manager_user select true

Step Four: Create the Visionline User

  • seam acs users create
    • For acs_system_id select Visionline
    • For user_identity_id select jane@example.com
    • For full_name enter Jane Doe (or anything, but cannot be blank)
    • Our command line doesn't support editing the access_schedule at the moment, but normally you would want to set this to the duration of the Guest's stay

Now we create a Visionline User and connect it to our User Identity.

Step Five: Assign User Access

You can see all your ACS credentials with seam acs entrances list, entrances are typically named like "Room 301" or "Front Entrance", but in our demo data it's an empty string (sorry)

  • seam acs entrances grant-access
    • For acs_user_id select Visionline and jane@example.com
    • For acs_entrance_id select any entrance

Step Six: Create the Visionline Credential

A multi_phone_sync_credential will automatically sync with all phones owned by a user identity.

  • seam acs credentials create
    • For acs_user_id select Visionline then jane@example.com
    • For access_method select mobile_key
    • For is_multi_phone_sync_credential select true
    • For card_format select visionline_metadata
    • For starts_at and ends_at select the valid window of the credential

Connecting the Guest to their User with a Phone

There are 3 ways to connect a user to their phone, we're going to go over the Mobile SDK/you build a custom app version here, but it's even easier with Seam Passport.

Step Seven: Create a Client Session when a User Logs In to Your App

Use seam client_sessions create --user_identity_id=... to create a a client session for this user.

Now you must give the client session to the SeamDeviceController in your app!