
This stupid little docker plaything archives sites of those who have little to no foresight

Primary LanguagePython

Really Basic Site Archive

I'm f***ing tired of people letting valuable content drop because they didn't think to actually implement any sort of sustainability plan. This stupid little docker container takes a site and archives it with the wayback archive.

If you also want to archive something you can run the following.

git clone https://github.com/seamustuohy/sloppy_archivist
sudo docker build -t sloppy_archivist .
sudo docker run -v /path/to/your/shitty/code/repos/sloppy_archivist:/etc/spider -e URL='http://domain.domain.TLD/everything/else' sloppy_archivist

For all y'all POSIX lovers here is that docker run command again.

sudo docker run -v [PATH TO SLOPPY ARCHIVIST REPO]:/etc/spider -e URL='[FULL URL OF SITE TO ARCHIVE]' sloppy_archivist