
(WIP) Simple GraphQL bindings for Django models

Primary LanguagePython


(WIP) Simple GraphQL bindings for Django models

Safety Note: this is WIP and may undergo breaking changes for a little while.

3 steps to eternal happiness

  1. Declare serializer classes
  2. Instantiate a schema
  3. Pass GraphQL strings to the schema


Example Models

Say we're modeling items moving through different containers. Each item can be in at most one container, and each container can hold zero or more items.

(See the testapp)

class ItemInContainer(models.Model):
    entered = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now)
    left = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
    item = models.ForeignKey('Item')
    container = models.ForeignKey('Container')

class Item(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Container(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    items = models.ManyToManyField(
Example Schema

Now that we've declared our Django models, we want to expose a JSON serialization layer. Typically we'll write one serializer class per model.

(See the testapp)

First we'll instantiate a TypeRegistry that holds the type mapping for our application.

T = TypeRegistry()

Next, we'll actually declare our serializer classes, exposing whatever fields and behavior we care to have in our API layer.

class Container(DjangoType):
    id = T.Int
    name = T.String
    items = [T.Item]
    current_items = [T.Item]

    def get_items(self, obj, args, info):
        return obj.items.all()

    def get_current_items(self, obj, args, info):
        return obj.items.filter(itemincontainer__left__isnull=True)

    class Meta:
        model = models.Container
        filters = (

class Item(DjangoType):
    id = T.Int
    name = T.String
    containers = [T.Container]
    current_container = T.Container

    def get_containers(self, obj, args, info):
        return obj.containers.all()

    def get_current_container(self, obj, args, info):
        return obj.containers.get(itemincontainer__left__isnull=True)

    class Meta:
        model = models.Item
        filters = (

Finally, we instantiate the schema that will accept GraphQL queries, passing it the registry that holds all our object types.

schema = DjangoSchema(T)
Example Queries

After instantiating some items moving them into some containers, we can issue a GraphQL query for one of the items, crossing a relation and passing some nested fields.

(See the tests)

query_string = """
      item(name: "item_2") {
        containers {
          items {

>>> {
                'id': 3,
                'name': 'item_2',
                'containers': [
                        'id': 1,
                        'name': 'container_0',
                        'items': [
                                'id': 1,
                                'name': 'item_0'
                                'id': 2,
                                'name': 'item_1'
                                'id': 3,
                                'name': 'item_2'
                        'id': 2,
                        'name': 'container_1',
                        'items': [
                                'id': 3,
                                'name': 'item_2'


  • Explain how @prefetch method decorator works
  • SQL debugging example query
  • Auto-generation of mutation root