
pintos development environment for KAIST CS330

Primary LanguageShell


How to use

Based on macOS!


1. Install docker & docker-compose

2. Install docker-sync

$ gem install docker-sync

3. Build a image

$ docker-compose build

NOTE For environment setting, I use this shell script which is officially provided in class.

You can skip this step, if you are not going to create your own image.

Start containers

$ docker-sync-stack start

Access http://localhost:5000! You can use gdb with GUI in browser! As shown in the screenshot below.

official website image

Access container

$ docker exec -it pintos-dev bash

From now on, you are in a docker container.

root@{CONTAINER-ID}:~/pintos/src# ls
devices  examples  filesys  lib  LICENSE  Make.config  Makefile  Makefile.build  Makefile.kernel  Makefile.userprog  misc  tests  threads  userprog  utils  vm
root@{CONTAINER-ID}:~/pintos/src# cd threads
root@{CONTAINER-ID}:~/pintos/src/threads# make check
  • You don't need to modify source code in this container. You can modify your code in host system.
  • You have to compile source code in this container.

Clean containers

$ docker-sync-stack clean

Official websites