Galvanize Queue Overflow

Queue Overflow is a ‘stack overflow’-inspired platform specific to the Galvanize learning community. Students and faculty can sign in and get the solution(s) they need for their WDI specific problems.

If you’re a student at Galvanize, it’s likely you will have a programming problem someone else in the community has encountered before. The queue is often a long process and puts a strain on both students and instructors. In addition, once one student receives help, there is no easy way for another student to quickly receive that same solution without going in the queue themselves. Queue Overflow will provide a platform where students and instructors can share their knowledge and problem-solving solutions with one another.

A user will log in to their account and see a question box where they are able to input their question, or search for previous solutions. They are also able to pick relevant tags to further specify their search. If they reach a solution, they are able to self-reply with the solution and mark the problem as solved. Other users can search for questions they may know the answers to and reply with their solution.

Built With


  • React Router
  • Semantic UI / Less / Gulp
  • Knex.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Supertest
  • Highlight.js
  • Github Auth


Github Repos