
Front-End Discount Interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-End Discount Interface

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Dynamically building conditions

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HTML for inline inputs

//class: inlineInput to get initialized
//data-input: type of input (select, text, number)
//data-optiongroup: the group of options to use for this input
//name: the value this can be (aggregator, operator, value)
//multiple=multiple: for multi select options
<a name='aggregator' class='inlineInput' data-input="select" data-optiongroup="aggregator">ALL</a>

HTML for nests (combinations)

//nest: the type of nest this is
//class: nest to get initialized
//html: needs a aggregator and value
//ul with li and button (will be moving this to javascript side)
<div data-nest='combination' class='nest'>If <a name='aggregator' class='inlineInput' data-input="select" data-optiongroup="aggregator">ALL</a> of these conditions are <a name='value' class='inlineInput' data-input="select" data-optiongroup="boolean">TRUE</a>${conditions.deleteButtonHTML}
        <li class="addButtonLi">${conditions.addButtonHTML}</li>

Data Structure for options:

optionName: {
    options: {
        label: 'string',
        value: 'is optional'

Data Structure for nests:

conditions.nests = {
    nestName: {
	    label: 'Condition Combination',
	    options: 'combination, productCombination, cart',
	    priority: 1,
	    list: {
		    main: {
  			    label: 'Condition Combination',
  			    html: `
  				    <div data-nest='main' class='nest'>If <a name='aggregator' class='inlineInput' data-input="select" data-optiongroup="aggregator">ALL</a> of these conditions are <a name='value' class='inlineInput' data-input="select" data-optiongroup="boolean">TRUE</a>
						    <li class="addButtonLi">${conditions.addButtonHTML}</li>