
Gulp commands to build your Ionic app's for the app stores.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  1. An Ionic project
  2. iOS and Android platforms added to your project
  3. Crosswalk plugin added to your project


  1. Copy the contents from the gulp-commands.js file provided in this repo into your project's gulpfile.js.

  2. Install the required npm modules from the root of your project.

     $ npm install --save-dev gulp run-sequence shelljs async
  3. Require the modules at the top of your gulpfile.js.

     var gulp = require('gulp');
     var sh = require('shelljs');
     var async = require('async');
     var path = require('path')
     var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
     var runSequence = require('run-sequence');

Getting Started

These gulp commands make it very simple to build release candidates for your iOS and Android versions of your Ionic app.

  1. Create a keystore file.

    • The keytool command is required for this step.

    • Replace YOUR_APP.keystore with something like my-cool-app.keystore and YOUR_ALIAS with something like MY_COOL_ALIAS.

        $ cd ~/path/to/your/ionic/app
        $ keytool -genkey -v -keystore YOUR_APP.keystore -alias YOUR_ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
    • This process will require a password. Make sure you remember this password.

    • After following the prompts, this will generate a YOUR_APP.keystore file at the root of your Ionic app's directory that we'll use later.

  2. Open your gulpfile.js file.

  3. Replace YOUR_APP.keystore with the name of your .keystore file and YOUR_ALIAS with the alias name you used previously.

  4. Replace YOUR_PASSWORD with the password you used to create your .keystore file.


To use these gulp commands, zipalign and jarsigner must be available from the command line. If they are not, search the web to install them on your machine.


$ gulp ios-release

After the command is finished, you'll need to open Xcode to finish the release process.


$ gulp android-release

After the command is finished, an android-arm7-release-signed.apk and android-x86-release-signed.apk will have been built. Use these two files to upload your Android app to Google Play. They can be found at ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk. To upload both apks to Google Play you'll need to switch to Advanced Mode via their web interface.


These gulp commands make it so you don't have to manually run the commands found here everytime you want to publish your Android app. A HUGE TIME SAVER.

Also included in gulp-commands.js is $ gulp iossim and $ gulp androidsim. Two other commands that I use to emulate my app.

I hope this helps you Ionicites with your build process! If you have any questions feel free to email me at mailto:me@seanhill.info.