
A Julia implementation of the NTL Mixture Model.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

The Neutral-to-the-Left Mixture Model

A Julia implementation of the NTL mixture model.


Make sure the following Julia packages have been installed using Pkg:

This package also uses the following R packages:


Here is an example of a work-flow with this NTL mixture model Julia package (see more examples in the experiments folder, which contains some Jupyter notebooks).

0. Import the package


where ntl-mixture-model/ntl.jl is the path the ntl.jl file in the main level of this repository.

1. Specify the data parameters (i.e. the within-cluster distribution of the data X).

This implementation of the NTL mixture model accepts two types of data parameters.

Multivariate Gaussian data:

data_parameters = Ntl.Models.GaussianParameters(data_covariance, prior_mean, prior_covariance)

where data_covariance::Matrix{Float64} is the covariance of the observations arising from the same cluster, prior_mean::Vector{Float64} is the mean of the Multivariate Gaussian prior on the data mean, and prior_covariance::Matrix{Float64} is the covariance of the Multivariate Gaussian prior on the data mean. The dimensions of data_covariance, prior_mean, and prior_covariance should be compatible -- if the dimension of prior_mean is d, then the dimensions of the matrices data_covariance and prior_covariance should be d x d.

Multinomial data:

data_parameters = Ntl.Models.MultinomialParameters(count, dirichlet_scale::Vector{Float64})

where count::Int64 is the number of counts per observation (this is only used when simulating from the NTL mixture model prior with Multinomial data), and dirichlet_scale::Vector{Float64} is the parameter vector for the Dirichlet distribution prior on the probability parameter for each Multinomial distribution at eaach cluster.

2. Specify the cluster parameters.

This implementation allows for two types of cluster parameters.

Dirichlet Process cluster parameters:

cluster_parameters = Ntl.Models.DpParameters(alpha, sample_parameter_posterior=false)

where alpha::Float64 is the value of the alpha parameter of the Dirichlet Process, and sample_parameter_posterior::Bool is a flag indicating whether to sample the posterior of the alpha parameter at each iteration of the Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler.

NTL mixture model cluster parameters:

cluster_parameters = Ntl.Models.NtlParameters(psi_prior, arrivals_distribution::Ntl.Models.ArrivalDistribution), sample_parameter_posterior)

where psi_prior::Vector{Float64} is a vector of parameters for the Beta distribution prior on the stick breaking weights, arrival_distribution<:Ntl.Models.ArrivalDistribution is the chosen distribution for the arrival times of the clusters, and sample_parameter_posterior::Bool is a flag indicating whether to sample the posterior distribution of the parameters of the stick breaking weights.

Currently, the only supported arrivals_distribution are iid interarrivals distributed according to a Geometric distribution:

arrivals_distribution = Ntl.Models.GeometricArrivals(prior, sample_parameter_posterior)

where prior::Vector{Float64} is the parameters of the Beta distribution prior on the rate parameter of the Geometric distribution, and sample_parameter_posterior::Bool is a flag indicating whether to sample the posterior distribution of the rate parameter of the Geometric distribution.

3. Specify the mixture model.

mixture_model = Ntl.Models.Mixture(cluster_parameters, data_parameters)

4. (Optional) Simulate data from the prior distribution of the specified mixture model.

This only works when cluster_parameters has type Ntl.Models.NtlParameters.

simulated_data = Ntl.Generate.generate(mixture_model, n)

where n::Int64 is the number of observations to generate from the prior.

The true clustering is in the first column:

true_clustering = simulated_data[:, 1]

The observations are the rest of the columns. You should transpose the matrix so that the data is in column-major order.

data = Matrix(transpose(Matrix(simulated_data[:, 2:end])))

5. Specify the Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler to sample from the mixture model posterior.

This implementation supports two types of samplers: a Collapsed Gibbs sampler, and a Metropolis-Hastings sampler.

Collapsed Gibbs Sampler:

sampler = Ntl.Samplers.GibbsSampler(num_iterations, num_burn_in, assignment_types)

where num_iterations::Int64 is the number of iterations to output, num_burn_in::Int64 is the number of iterations to throw away in the beginning as burn-in (not recommended), and assignment_types::Vector{String} which specifies both the number of chains to run, as well as their initial cluster assignments. For example, we could have

assignment_types = ["random", "all same cluster", "all different clusters"]

which corresponds to us running three chains, where the first chain randomly assigns observations to clusters, the second chain assigns all observations to one cluster, and the third chain assigns each observation to its own cluster.

The Metropolis-Hastings sampler:

sampler = Ntl.Samplers.MetropolisHastingsSampler(num_iterations, num_burn_in, proposal_radius, skip=1, adaptive=false, assignment_types)

where num_iterations, num_burn_in, and assignment_types are as before for the Collapsed Gibbs sampler. proposal_radius::Int64 is the width of the discrete Uniform distribution proposal (must be at least 1). skip::Int64 corresponds to how much thinning of the Markov Chain we do, where if n = skip, then we take every nth iteration for our final calculation (not recommended). adaptive::bool indicates whether to use an adaptive proposal scheme for the Metropolis-Hastings sampler, where the width of the discrete uniform proposal increases if the acceptance rate is above 0.3, and discreases if it is below 0.3 (also not recommended).

The Metropolis-Hastings sampler is only compatible with Ntl.ModelsNtlParameters cluster parameters, at the moment.

6. Sample from the posterior.

Fit the mixture model by doing:

mcmc_output = Ntl.Fitter.fit(data, mixture_model, sampler)

mcmc_output is a dictionary containing the following fields:

  • "log likelihood" contains the log likelihoods of each iteration, in the form of a Matrix with dimensions num_iterations x num_chains. The first chain corresponds to the initial cluster assignment in assignment_types, the second chain to the second cluster assignment in assignment_types, and so on.
  • "assignments" correspond to the cluster assignments for each iteration and for each chain of the Markov Chain, in the form of an Array with dimensions num_observations x num_iterations x num_chains. The order of the chains corresponds to the order of the assignment_types, similarly to the log likelihood matrix.
  • If Ntl.Models.NtlParameters cluster parameters are used, and the arrival distribution parameter has the sample_parameter_posterior=true, then there will be a field called "arrival posterior", which contain draws from the arrival distribution parameter posterior for each iteration, in the form of an array with dimensions parameter_dim x num_iterations x num_chains, where parameter_dim is the dimension of the arrival distribution parameter.
  • If Ntl.Models.DpParameters cluster parameters are used, and the flag sample_parameter_posterior=true, then there will be a field called alpha which corresponds to draws from the posterior distribution of the alpha parameter for each iteration, in the form of an array with dimensions num_iterations x num_chains.

7. Assess convergence

The following three convergence diagnostics are implemented.

Log likelihood trace plot:

Ntl.Plot.plot_log_likelihood(mcmc_output["log likelihood"], assignment_types=assignment_types)

where assignment_types::Vector{String} is the list of initial cluster assignments which is given to the Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler object sampler.

Number of clusters trace plot:

Ntl.Plot.plot_num_clusters(mcmc_output["assignments"], true_number=true_number_of_clusters, assignment_types=assignment_types)

where true_number::Int64 is the true number of clusters, if it is known.

General trace plot for "arrival posterior" and "alpha":

Ntl.Plot.plot_trace(mcmc_output["arrival posterior"], ylabel=ylabel, assignment_types=assignment_types)

where ylabel::String is the string to put as the y-axis label for the plot.

8. Visualize the co-occurrence matrix.

Plot the empirical co-occurrence matrix of the clusterings using the command

first_chain_assignments = mcmc_output["assignments"][:, :, 1]
Ntl.Plot.plot_co_occurrence_matrix(first_chain_assignments, num_burn_in=num_burn_in)

where num_burn_in::Int64 is the number of iterations to throw away from the beginning of the chain as burn-in.

9. Construct point estimates of the underlying clustering.

Three methods for constructing point estimates are currently accepted.

Maximum a posteriori estimation:

first_chain_log_likelihoods = mcmc_output["log likelihood"][:, 1]
first_chain_assignments = mcmc_output["assignments"][:, :, 1]
map_estimate = Ntl.Utils.map_estimate(first_chain_assignments, first_chain_log_likelihoods, num_burn_in=num_burn_in)

where num_burn_in::Int64 is the number of iterations to throw away from the beginning as burn-in.

Binder estimate (i.e. a clustering which minimizes the posterior expectation of Binder's loss):

binder_estimate = Ntl.Utils.minbinder(first_chain_assignments, num_burn_in=num_burn_in)

VI estimate (i.e. a clustering which minimizes the posterior expectation of the Variation of Information loss):

vi_estimate = Ntl.Utils.minVI(first_chain_assignments, num_burn_in=num_burn_in)