Semester 2 Classes APCSA:

All my classes that I used and wrote during my second semester of APCSA.

Types of documents

  • FRQ: Free-Response questions from school tests and or practice: Prompt included above code simplified.
  • Project: Project assignments, may be moved at a later date to a seperate folder.
  • smth: coding from anything (i.e peardeck slides)

Special classes:

  • CodingBat: Classes having answers from


Personal projects where I try to develop my skill as a Computer Scientist, expiermenting with new data structures and problems

-Matchmaking: Iteration of a roundrobin system, where a given number of teams will play teams-1 matches. Based on the number of teams advancing, determine if a tie occurs, and the likelihood of it occuring. Currently built in Java with no framework. Once completed to be transformed to JS for use for IBC church youth pastor backend management event system. -Pathfinding: Project using C# looking into 3D Visualization of Pathfinding systems, with my own fork of Dijkstra, serpentine. Serpentine is highly inefficent and makes zigzag searching patterns