
Basic Stacker game written in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JS-Stacker is a minimalist take on a popular arcade game Stacker, written in JavaScript.

For those who are not familiar, Stacker is an arcade game in which a number of squares bounce back and forth horrizontally across the screen as you attempt to stop them in such a way that they form one vertical tower to the top of the game board. In Stacker, the name of the game is reflexes. As the height of the stack increases, the pieces move across the screen faster and faster until you reach the top line. Once you reach the top line, at least in my experience, the game throws up a big middle finger at you and always seems to move after you press the button, even if you time it perfectly. It's almost as if the arcades don't want to give away a current generation console or smartphone just for having exceptional reflexes and timing... I felt cheated the last time I played Stacker in and arcade, so I used that rage as inspiration for this project. Partially for the sake of validation that I can do it and the machine does cheat you, but also so I could practice for the next time I inevitably throw 5 dollars away futiley trying to win a Nintendo Switch.

JS-Stacker is definitely still in its infancy, and it could use some beautification and polish, but this was actually my first time using JavaScript for a project and I'm fairly happy with how it has turned out.