
You can browse and play with the notebooks online via Binder.

The slides are available at

Running locally

[ Note: I've moved to Docker for consistent, cross-platform use. Platform-specific instructions are no longer included. ]


[ Note: Currently browser-sync is not working with VirtioFS in Docker. I recommend using gRBC FUSE for now. ]

Running Tools


docker run --platform=$PLATFORM --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/mnt/host  --tty --interactive \
    --publish 4000:3000 --publish 4001:3001 --publish 8888:8888 $VOLUME bash

From the Docker prompt

cd /mnt/host
./tools/ --lab --server --no-token

[ Note: If a browser window is open to JupyterLab when you start the server, it will report errors about the kernel not being available. Close the browser window and open a new one. ]


If you want to open another terminal on the running image use:

docker ps
docker exec -it <container id> bash

Updating the tools image

See ./tools/docker-tools/

jupytext --to notebook --output - ./better-code-new/ | jupyter nbconvert --stdin --to=slides --reveal-prefix=../reveal.js --output-dir=./docs/better-code-class --config=./slides-config/