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🌭 How It's Made:

Tech Used: React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Tailwind, Stripe

This application serves as a Point-of-Sale system tailored for managing premium seating orders at an MLB-affiliate stadium. Users can effortlessly navigate seating sections, select specific tables, and place orders from various menu locations within the stadium. With real-time order capabilities, both staff and customers can stay informed, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

🥨 Optimization:

  • Performance Optimization: Implement code splitting and lazy loading techniques to improve initial loading times and reduce bundle size, enhancing the application's performance.
  • Database Optimization: Optimize database queries and indexes to improve the efficiency of data retrieval and manipulation, leading to faster response times and improved scalability as the application's data volume grows.
  • **Client-Side Caching: ** Incorporate client-side caching mechanisms, such as memoization or caching libraries, to reduce unnecessary API calls and improve overall responsiveness, particularly for frequently accessed data.

🥤 Lessons Learned:

  • Effective State Management: Gained insights into global state management using React Context API, allowing for centralized state management and seamless data sharing between components.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Successfully implemented user authentication and authorization mechanisms using auth providers like Supabase, ensuring secure access control and protecting sensitive application functionalities.
  • Stripe Integration: Learned to integrate and configure the Stripe payment gateway for secure payment processing, including handling payment confirmations and managing client-server communication for successful transactions.
  • Modular Component Design: Embraced modular component design principles, facilitating code reuse, maintainability, and scalability while ensuring separation of concerns and enhancing the overall code organization and readability.