
Supplementary material for the Introduction to Soergel bimodules by B. Elias, S. Makisumi, U. Thiel, G. Williamson

Supplementary material for the Introduction to Soergel bimodules by B. Elias, S. Makisumi, U. Thiel, G. Williamson


Exercise Sheets from the MSRI Summer School 2017

# Topic
1A, 1A+ Coxeter groups
1B, 1B+ KL basis
2A, 2A+ Demazure operator, Frobenius extensions
2B, 2B+ Diagrammatics
3A, 3A+ Diagrammatics for Soergel bimodules
3B, 3B+ Light leaves
4A, 4A+ Intersection form
4B, 4B+ Krull–Schmidt
5A, 5A+ Lefschetz linear algebra
5B, 5B+ Category O
6A, 6A+ Hodge theory
6B, 6B+ Rouquier complexes
7A, 7A+ Cells
7B Full twist