
This is a workaround to be able to use the Babel Relay Plugin in .babelrc and using babel-node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The current babel-relay-plugin-loader version 0.8.0 is loading the babel-relay-plugin version 0.8.0.


This workaround enables us to use the Babel Relay Plugin in .babelrc without breaking babel-node.


The Babel Relay Plugin needs to be configured with a GraphQL schema. Usually you would do this locally in your project. Unfortunately there is an issue that does not allow local plugins to be used within .babelrc without breaking babel-node. You can find all the details here in #454.


Just npm install --save-dev babel-relay-plugin-loader and add the path to your schema.json to your projects package.json like this:

"metadata": {
  "graphql": {
    "schema": "./data/schema.json"

This path should be relative to the location of your package.json.

Then you can add this plugin to your .babelrc file like this:

Babel 5

  "stage": 0,
  "env": {
    "development": {
      "plugins": ["babel-relay-plugin-loader", "react-transform"],
      "sourceMaps": "inline",
      "optional": [
      "extra": {
        "react-transform": {
          "transforms": [{
            "transform": "react-transform-hmr",
            "imports": ["react"],
            "locals": ["module"]
          }, {
            "transform": "react-transform-catch-errors",
            "imports": ["react", "redbox-react"]

Babel 6

  "presets": [
  "env": {
    "development": {
      "plugins": [
            "transforms": [
                "transform": "react-transform-hmr",
                "imports": [
                "locals": [
                "transform": "react-transform-catch-errors",
                "imports": [
    "production": {
      "plugins": [

And you are ready to go ;)


Please contribute and let me know once this workaround is not needed anymore.