
Code I've written while learning about SDL 2.

Primary LanguageC++


Copyright (C) 2020 Sean Ballais

Code I've written while learning about SDL 2.

Using My Code

The code is not licensed under any open source license. It used to be under the MIT license. However, since I am basing this code from Lazy Foo's SDL 2 tutorial and Lazy Foo recommended it, the code will only be copyrighted to me, but the code may still be viewed by anyone. If you would like to use any portion of the code, please contact me via sfballais123@gmail.com and let me know which portions will be used. Many portions are by Lazy Foo, which means you might have to ask permission from him, or have to consult his FAQ. Some are either mine or my modification of Lazy Foo's code.

Assets Used

The assets in this repository are a mix of assets created by me and third-party assets sourced from different websites. Please refer to the Credits to know more about where I obtained third-party assets.

The following assets are created by me and are licensed under CC-BY 4.0. You may use the assets commercially, share, and produce derivative works upon them, as long as you give appropriate credits to me.

  • All files under data/key_presses.
  • sample_texture.png in data/textures.


  • I have skipped Lessons 19 and 20, both of which teach you about getting input from gamepads, due to lack of a working controller.

  • I have skipped Lesson 37, which teaches you about using multiple displays, due to lack of a spare monitor. I could have used our TV, but using it for just one lesson would be a hassle for me.

  • I have skipped Lessons 52 to 55, which teach you about using SDL 2 in a mobile phone, because they would be a hassle for me to do. Basing off from my experience with working with Flutter, my notebook would be too slow to offer a good developer experience while trying out the aforementioned ones.


The code written here is based on the code in the SDL 2 tutorial of Lazy Foo. Assets used here, unless otherwise stated, are obtained from the tutorial.

The caveman spritesheet (in data/textures/spritesheet_caveman.png) is created by Hapiel, obtained from OpenGameArt.org (sprite sheet is obtainable via this link), and used under the CC-BY 3.0.

The Raleway Light font (in data/fonts/Raleway-Light.tff) is created by Matt McInerney, and used under the SIL Open Font License. Font can be obtained via this link.