
Collection of scripts I use in Windows.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Windows Scripts

This is a collection of scripts I use in Windows. I am sharing this in the hopes that this will be of benefit to others as well.

I am using Windows Terminal, PowerShell 7, Visual Studio 2022, and Oh My Posh. As such, the scripts here are assuming such environment. The scripts are also located in two different folders:

Script Location
Profile1.ps1 C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\
Others (i.e. sfb_cmd.bat and sfb_vs_pwsh.ps1) C:\Program Files\Custom CLI Scripts\

Profile1.ps1 is saved inside C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7 since it is my global PowerShell profile. You may learn more about PowerShell profiles here. Custom CLI Scripts\ is a folder I have created for global storage of scripts. This will allow the scripts in the folder to be accesible by all users.

Profile1.ps1 and sfb_cmd.bat have been created to allow me to access Visual Studio CLI tools without resorting to developer versions of PowerShell and Command Prompt provided by Visual Studio (i.e. Developer PowerShell for VS 2022 and Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022). Since loading up the VS configuration to allow access to the Visual Studio CLI tools causes the VS developer CLI session banner to show up, Profile1.ps1 has been written to disable this banner by default unless toggled on by setting a SFB_ENABLE_VS_DEV_BANNER to "true". The profile is also written to enable Oh My ZSH-style autosuggestions and autocompletion and Oh My Posh with the Jandedobbeleer theme. On the other hand, sfb_vs_pwsh.ps1 is used to toggle the banner on when opening a Developer PowerShell in Visual Studio. Note that opening a PowerShell session in Visual Studio loads up our Profile.ps1 PowerShell profile as well.

Setting Up

In Windows Terminal, to set up PowerShell to use our profile, just have a PowerShell terminal profile that opens up PowerShell 7. No need to set more configurations, since PowerShell will automatically load up the profile.

On the other hand, the Command Prompt profile in Windows Terminal will have to be modified a bit. We just need to modify the Command line executable in the profile to be set to:

cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files\Custom CLI Scripts\sfb_cmd.bat"

Finally, to integrate sfb_vs_pwsh.ps1 with the Visual Studio PowerShell terminal, simply do the following:

  1. Open the terminal options in Visual Studio (Tools > Options > Environment > Terminal).
  2. Click on the "Developer PowerShell" profile.
  3. Change the value in "Shell Location" to: C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe
  4. Change the value in "Arguments" to: -NoExit -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "C:\Program Files\Custom CLI Scripts\sfb_vs_pwsh.ps1"
  5. Click "Apply".

And that's it!

Questions and Discussions

For questions and related discussions on these scripts, please feel free to write an issue in this repository or contact me via Twitter (@seanballais) or email (sean@seanballais.com).


The scripts in this repository is created by Sean Ballais.


The scripts here are licensed under the MIT license.