AtlantaVibes is a Full-Stack application that aggregates data from the top ten music festivals into one easy to use website. AtlantaVibes lets users view, rate, comment and purchase tickets for their favorite festivals in Atlanta.
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- React.js
- Redux
- Node.js/Express
- NPM modules
- MySql
- Getting the current total average rating after user submission
- Solution: Find the sum of all ratings with the desired festival id from database. Then we added the submitted rating to the total. After, we used an update query to change the festival rating in the database to match the new average.
- Getting the comments to automatically render on submit
- Solution: We set state to all comments associated with the target festival from the database and rendered the page so that all the comments would appear. When the user submits a new comment, we post the comment in the database and re-render with the new comment.
- Drew "drewcoparker" Parker
- Rishi "JASONS DELI" Karri
- Kyle "Graves Mid" Plaugher
- Sean "Phaaaaaser" Bhupathi
- Directions to locations with Google Maps
- Account Settings
- Expand to more cities
Snippet of our comment container which renders the comments.
render() {
let commentsArray = [], index) => {
// grab time for each comment and make it look nice
var date = new Date(comment.timestamp)
var niceLookingDate = dateformat(date, 'fullDate');
var niceLookingTime = dateformat(date, 'shortTime');
// var dateString = String(date);
// grab a default image from the back end in case the user has not uploaded a photo
var defaultUserImagePath = '';
// grab the image that the user uploaded from the back ends
var avatarImageName = comment.avatar_the_last_airbender;
var avatarImagePath = ''+avatarImageName
// if the user did not upload a picture, use a default image
if (avatarImageName === null){
avatarImagePath = defaultUserImagePath;
return commentsArray.push(
<tr key={index}>
<td className='avatar-image-td'>
<img className='avatar-image' alt="Avatar" src={avatarImagePath} />
<td className="comment">
<p className='comment-username'>{comment.username}</p>
<p className="comment-text">{comment.comment}</p>
<p className="comment-date">{niceLookingDate}</p>
<p className="comment-date">{niceLookingTime}</p>
return (
<table className="table table-striped comment-table">
Posting Comments to MySql.
// Route that fires when a user posts a comment'/postComment', (req, res, next) => {
// grab necessary fields for user comment
var timestamp = req.body.timestamp;
var festival_id = req.body.festivalId;
var comment = req.body.userPost;
var username = req.body.username;
var user_id;
// Set up MySql query which grabs relevant user id and avatar
var getUserQuery = `SELECT id, avatar_the_last_airbender FROM user_info WHERE username = ?`;
connection.query(getUserQuery, [username], (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) throw error;
// grab the user id and avatar from the database so that we can pass it to the front end
user_id = results[0].id;
var avatar_the_last_airbender = results[0].avatar_the_last_airbender;
// insert comment in database
var insertCommentQuery = `INSERT INTO comments (user_id, comment, festival_id, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`;
connection.query(insertCommentQuery, [user_id, comment, festival_id, timestamp], (error2, results2, fields2) => {
if (error2) throw error2;
// need to convert the timestamp to a number before sending it back to the front-end so that we can convert it to a date object
timestamp = Number(timestamp);
// package necessary props into JSON format for front-end to use
comment: comment,
username: username,
timestamp: timestamp,
avatar_the_last_airbender: avatar_the_last_airbender