
A lightweight state machine built in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Carthage compatible Docs 100%

A lightweight state machine built in Swift for iOS & Mac OSX. For swift 3 see the swift3 branch.


  • Simple, readable API
  • Flexible - States can be of any type conforming to the Hashable protocol
  • Supports an arbitrary number of states and state changes
  • Block-based API
  • Several action points to customise when various blocks are executed
  • Pass arbitrary data to your state changes
  • Add 'gates' for more advanced customisation of allowed state changes
  • Basic Usage support to get going with minmal setup
  • Advanced Usage support to control which states can be changed to which states
  • Uses Swift 2.0 error mechanism for communicating issues
  • Lightweight - SCAStateMachine has no dependencies beyond Foundation
  • All methods documented and unit tested
  • Supports iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS

Example Usage

Classic Turnstile example

import SCAStateMachine

enum TurnstileState {
    case Locked
    case Unlocked

let stateMachine = StateMachine(initialState: TurnstileState.Locked)

stateMachine.performAfterChangingTo([.Locked]) { _,_,_ in lock() }
stateMachine.performAfterChangingTo([.Unlocked]) { _,_,_ in unlock() }

stateMachine.addStateTransition(named: "Coin", from: [.Locked], to: .Unlocked)
stateMachine.addStateTransition(named: "Push", from: [.Unlocked], to: .Locked)

do {
    let destinationState = try stateMachine.canPerformTransition(named:"Coin") // returns unlocked
    // do something with the destination state
catch {
    // catch UnspportedStateChange/NoTransitionMatchingName/Custom Errors

do {
    try stateMachine.performTransition(named:"Coin")
    print(stateMachine.currentState) // Unlocked
    try stateMachine.performTransition(named: "Push")
    print(stateMachine.currentState) // Locked
catch {
    // catch UnspportedStateChange/NoTransitionMatchingName/Custom Errors

Manual Usage -

import SCAStateMachine

enum LoadingState {
    case Ready
    case Loading
    case Loaded
    case Error

enum MyCustomError : ErrorType {
    case CustomErrorOne

func mySuccessCheck() -> Bool {
    return true

let stateMachine = StateMachine(initialState: LoadingState.Ready)

// ready, loaded and error states can all move to .Loading
stateMachine.allowChangingTo(.Loading, from: [.Ready, .Loaded, .Error])

// .Loading states can move to both .Loaded and .Error states
stateMachine.allowChangingFrom(.Loading, to: [.Loaded, .Error])

// GATES: - Run a custom closure before a change is attempted to check if it should be allowed to go ahead
// Throw custom errors from these closures and they will be picked up later :)
stateMachine.checkConditionBeforeChangingTo([.Loaded]) { (destinationState, startingState, userInfo) -> () in
    if mySuccessCheck() == false {
        throw MyCustomError.CustomErrorOne

// do something after changing to the .Error or .Loaded states
stateMachine.performAfterChangingTo([.Error, .Loaded]) { (destinationState, startingState, userInfo) -> () in
    print("We just moved to either .Error or .Loaded")

// do something after changing from the .loaded or .Error states
stateMachine.performAfterChangingFrom([.Error, .Loading]) { (destinationState, startingState, userInfo) -> () in
    print("We just moved from .Error or .Loading")

// do something after changing from any state
stateMachine.performAfterChanging { (destinationState, startingState, userInfo) -> () in
    print("I get performed after any and every change")

// check you can change before changing
do {
    try stateMachine.canChangeTo(.Loaded)
catch MyCustomError.CustomErrorOne {
    // throw your custom errors inside your conditions and handle them here
catch {
    // catch general errors

// or just attempt a change
do {
    try stateMachine.changeTo(.Loading, userInfo: nil) // succeeds
    try stateMachine.changeTo(.Loaded, userInfo: nil) // will check 'mySuccessCheck'
catch MyCustomError.CustomErrorOne {
    // handle your custom error case
catch {
    // handle a general error


Full docs here


  • iOS 8.1+ / Mac OS X 10.9+
  • Xcode 7


Embedded frameworks require a minimum deployment target of iOS 8 or OS X Mavericks.

To use SCAStateMachine with a project targeting iOS 7 or to include it manually, you must include the 'StateMachine.swift' file located inside the Source directory directly in your project


To integrate SCAStateMachine into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'SCAStateMachine', :git => 'https://github.com/seancatkinson/SCAStateMachine.git'

Once Cocoapods supports Swift 2.0 I'll submit as an actual pod.


SCAStateMachine is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.