Script Blender is a web-based platform that enhances the coding experience for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. It enables users to create and edit code snippets, providing instant feedback with real-time execution results. This tool is perfect for both novice and experienced developers, offering a streamlined environment conducive to learning, experimentation, and project management.
View the coding platform web app live at
Script Blender integrates the Monaco Editor
, renowned for its use in Visual Studio Code
. This means users familiar with VS Code will find the Script Blender environment intuitive and easy to navigate. Enjoy the same rich coding experience, including:
- Syntax highlighting
- Advanced editing features
- A wide array of shortcut keys identical to those in VS Code
This feature significantly reduces the learning curve for new users and enhances productivity for those already familiar to the VS Code editor
Script Blender uniquely simplifies the process of using import statements. Developers can directly import popular libraries like lodash
using a straightforward import statement:
import _ from 'lodash';
console.log('is [1, 2, 3] an array:', _.isArray([1, 2, 3]));
console.log('is "1, 2, 3" an array:', _.isArray('1, 2, 3'));
No additional installation is required. Script Blender automatically handles these imports, making it incredibly easy for developers to test out various libraries' functionalities without installing them locally. This feature is particularly beneficial for rapid prototyping and exploring new libraries.
Before running Script Blender, ensure you have a Redis
server available. Script Blender uses Redis
for caching npm packages to enhance performance. You can set up Redis
locally or use a cloud-based Redis
To run Script Blender successfully, you need to configure your environment variables:
- Create a
file in the root directory of the project. - Add the following environment variables:
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.