
THIS IS A FORK: SEE https://github.com/framework-one/fw1 FOR RELEASES ETC! FW/1 - Framework One - is a lightweight, convention over configuration, MVC application framework for ColdFusion / CFML.

Primary LanguageColdFusion

Build Status

This FW/1 directory is a complete web application and expects to live in its own webroot if you plan to run the applications within it. To use FW/1 in a separate webroot you can either copy the org directory to that webroot or add a mapping for /org/corfield to the corfield folder inside the org directory (or a /org mapping to the org directory directly).

Project home: http://fw1.riaforge.org

Documentation wiki: http://github.com/framework-one/fw1/wiki

Blog: http://corfield.org/blog/archives.cfm/category/fw1

Support: http://groups.google.com/group/framework-one/