
The Free, Open-source Shakespeare Resource

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Bardly, the Open-Source Shakespeare Resource

Welcome to Bardly!

This is a free online resource for the works of William Shakespeare, featuring a library of Shakespeare's plays in multiple lengths, allowing for companies of as few as 11 players. Our plays are extensively reviewed for consistency and are formatted for optimum readability and shareability.

We have developed an automated system to count lines, track characters, and map entrances and exits which is used to create high-level, interactive indexes at the top of every edition of each play. Additionally, every block of dialogue can be directly linked to for instant sharing of snippets or quotes, or simply to catch a friend up that wasn't paying attention 😏

At Bardly, you'll find the most accurate, useable, and cross-device compatible website for Shakespeare's works available.

Happy bard-ing :flaticon-storytelling-black:

!!! note ":construction:"

This website is currently under construction, but our library of plays is complete!