_______ ______ ______ _______ _______ |_ _| __ \ __ \| | | __| _| |_| __/ <| | | | | |_______|___| |___|__||_______|_______| ## And the Ampersand of Power! This month we have a challenge of epic proportions. We are going to hunt the "Ampersand of Power". But not ourselves, that would be far too dangerous, health and safety would have a field day. No, we're going to build AI walkers to do the job for us. ## Rules The aim is to get to the "&" in level_4, to get there you must traverse the other 3 levels, getting to the next level is achieved by moving to the down stairs symbol ">". 1) 1 move per update call, in any direction (including diagonals 2) Only look at your surroundings 3) Fastest time wins (we'll remove the sleep call to time them) 4) Any other rules I make up on the night :) ## Installation 1) git clone git@github.com:MrJaba/IpRogue.git or copy the files 2) bundle install 3) ruby game.rb