
Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning

Primary LanguagePython

Automatic Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning

Automatic selection model

This repository contains code, prompts and dataset for the paper: Automatic Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning. We propose to perform model selection to combine two distinct methods, CoT and PAL. The proposed algorithm is illusrated in the above figure.


  • 🔥 We achieved the new SOTA results on GSM8K, with accuracy of 96.8% using GPT-4 and Self-Concsistency (K=15).
  • 📣 We released the code and data.


To beigin with, you need to have an OpenAI API Key. As OpenAI has discountinued public access to Codex, you can apply for research access to Codex (code-davinci-002). Alternatively, you may opt to use other backbones like ChatGPT and GPT-4.

Dataset: Our experiments use seven arithmetic datasets and one date understanding dataset, all of which are located in the dataset folder. You may also download these datasets from their respective online sources and format them accordingly.

Package requirement: pip install openai


You can run the code using the following command. We provide an example here that conducts experiments on the arithmetic dataset.

python src/selection_math.py --start [start index] --end [end index] --dataset [dataset name] --backbone [ChatGPT or GPT-4] --cot_temperature [0 for greedy decoding, 0.5 for SC] --pal_temperature [0 for greedy decoding, 0.8 for SC] --sc_num [1 for greedy decoding. Others indicate SC samples.] --output_dir [output dir name] --key [OpenAI API Key]

Alternatively, you may utilize the script in the scripts directory:

  • For greedy decoding: sh scripts/{codex chatgpt gpt4}/run_{dataset}.sh
  • For self-consistency: sh scripts/{codex chatgpt gpt4}/run_gsm8k_sc.sh

Note: Please ensure that you define EXEHOME and APIKEY in the script before execution.

OpenAI has rate limits for free trail users, which will affect the execution time. To circumvent this, you can upgrade your account with payment methods.


After running experiments, you can use the following command to evaluate the results:

sh evaluate_{math date}.sh

Please ensure that INPUTPATH is defined in the script prior to execution.


Thank you for your interest! Should you have any questions, please reach out to xu.zhao@u.nus.edu.


      title={Automatic Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning}, 
      author={Xu Zhao and Yuxi Xie and Kenji Kawaguchi and Junxian He and Qizhe Xie},