
Automatically add getter/setters for PHP4 properties

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1707

This script is modification of: 
"Automatically add getter/setters for Java properties (including array-based)"
by Pete Kazmier.

This filetype plugin enables a user to automatically add getter/setter
methods for PHP properties.  The script will insert a getter, setter,
or both depending on the command/mapping invoked.  Users can select
properties one at a time, or in bulk (via a visual block or specifying a
range).  In either case, the selected block may include comments as they
will be ignored during the parsing.  For example, you could select all
of these properties with a single visual block.

class Test 
   var $count;

   var $name;

   var $address;

The getters/setters that are inserted can be configured by the user.
First, the insertion point can be selected.  It can be one of the
following: before the current line / block, after the current line /
block, or at the end of the class (default).  Finally, the text that is
inserted can be configured by defining your own templates.  This allows
the user to format for his/her coding style.  For example, the default
value for s:phpgetset_getterTemplate is:

     * Get %varname%.
     * @return %varname%
    function %funcname%()
        return %varname%;

Where the items surrounded by % are parameters that are substituted when
the script is invoked on a particular property.  For more information on
configuration, please see the section below on the INTERFACE.

INTERFACE (commands, mappings, and variables)
The following section documents the commands, mappings, and variables
used to customize the behavior of this script.  

      Inserts a getter/setter for the property on the current line, or
      the range of properties specified via a visual block or x,y range
      notation.  The user is prompted to determine what type of method
      to insert.

      Inserts a getter for the property on the current line, or the
      range of properties specified via a visual block or x,y range
      notation.  The user is not prompted.

      Inserts a setter for the property on the current line, or the
      range of properties specified via a visual block or x,y range
      notation.  The user is not prompted.

      Inserts a getter and setter for the property on the current line,
      or the range of properties specified via a visual block or x,y
      range notation.  The user is not prompted.

  The following mappings are pre-defined.  You can disable the mappings
  by setting a variable (see the Variables section below).  The default
  key mappings use the <LocalLeader> which is the backslash key by
  default '&#039.  This can also be configured via a variable (see below).

  <LocalLeader>p   (or <Plug>JavagetsetInsertGetterSetter)
      Inserts a getter/setter for the property on the current line, or
      the range of properties specified via a visual block.  User is
      prompted for choice.

  <LocalLeader>g   (or <Plug>JavagetsetInsertGetterOnly)
      Inserts a getter for the property on the current line, or the
      range of properties specified via a visual block.  User is not

  <LocalLeader>s   (or <Plug>JavagetsetInsertSetterOnly)
      Inserts a getter for the property on the current line, or the
      range of properties specified via a visual block.  User is not

  <LocalLeader>b   (or <Plug>JavagetsetInsertBothGetterSetter)
      Inserts both a getter and setter for the property on the current
      line, or the range of properties specified via a visual block.
      User is not prompted.

  If you want to define your own mapping, you can map whatever you want
  to <Plug>JavagetsetInsertGetterSetter (or any of the other <Plug>s
  defined above).  For example,

      map <buffer> <C-p> <Plug>JavagetsetInsertGetterSetter

  When you define your own mapping, the default mapping does not get
  set, only the mapping you specify.  

  The following variables allow you to customize the behavior of this
  script so that you do not need to make changes directly to the script.
  These variables can be set in your vimrc.

    Setting this variable will disable all key mappings defined by any
    of your plugins (if the plugin writer adhered to the standard
    convention documented in the scripting section of the VIM manual)
    including this one.

    Setting this variable will disable all key mappings defined by any
    php specific plugin including this one.

    By default, the key mappings defined by this script use
    <LocalLeader> which is the backslash character by default.  You can
    change this by setting this variable to a different key.  For
    example, if you want to use the comma-key, you can add this line to
    your vimrc:
        let maplocalleader = ','

    This variable determines the location where the getter and/or setter
    will be inserted.  Currently, three positions have been defined:

        0 - insert at the end of the class (default)
        1 - insert before the current line / block
        2 - insert after the current line / block

    These variables determine the text that will be inserted for a
    getter, setter, array-based getter, and array-based setter
    respectively.  The templates may contain the following placeholders
    which will be substituted by their appropriate values at insertion

        %varname%       The name of the property
        %funcname%      The method name ("getXzy" or "setXzy")

    For example, if you wanted to set the default getter template so
    that it would produce the following block of code for a property
    defined as "var $name":

         * Get name.
         * @return name
       function getName() { return $this->name; }
    This block of code can be produced by adding the following variable
    definition to your vimrc file.

        let b:phpgetset_getterTemplate = 
          \ "\n" .
          \ "/**\n" .
          \ " * Get %varname%.\n" .
          \ " * @return %varname%\n" .
          \ " */\n" .
          \ "%function %funcname%() { return $this->%varname%; }"

    The defaults for these variables are defined in the script.  For
    both the getterTemplate and setterTemplate, there is a corresponding
    array-baded template that is invoked if a property is array-based.
    This allows you to set indexed-based getters/setters if you desire.
    This is the default behavior.