Find Single Syllable Nouns

This is a simple script to find single syllable nouns in an Excel Spreadsheet and sort them by frequency.

Data is sourced from where you can download a list of the top 5000 most freqent used English words. uses uses the COCA dataset.

The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary is used to check the number of syllables in a word.


Python 3.x is required to run this script. (Tested with 3.11)

  1. Clone or download this repository

  2. Download the top 5000 most frequent English words from in Excel format and add it to the root of this repository. If you want to use a different list of words/lemmas, you can change the file name in the script.

  3. Install the required packages

pip install pandas openpyxl cmudict

  1. Run the script


  1. The output will be save in a file titled nouns1syll.xlsx