
Repo for CodeBlue - CPEN 491

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Modular Phone App for Cardiac Arrest Detection built using TypeScript and React Native for Android.


CPEN 491 Team JY-41

Akash Randhawa, Emily Lukas, Gurman Toor, Sean Garvey, Stella Wang

Repository Structure

    ├── android/
    ├── assets/
    ├── codeblue-server/
    ├── docs/
    ├── src/app/
    |   ├── assets/
    |   ├── backgroundMode/
    |   ├── ble/
    |   ├── components/
    |   ├── constants/
    |   ├── emsCall/
    |   ├── localStorage/
    |   ├── navigation/
    |   ├── screens/
    │   └── utils/
    ├── storybook/
    ├── App.tsx
    ├── index.js
    ├── env_vars.tsx
    ├── README.md
    └── ...


  1. Start an AWS EC2 instance and clone the codeblue-server submodule repository onto the instance.
  2. Follow instructions in codeblue-server/README.md to setup and run the server.
  3. Follow the React Native development environment setup tutorial for React Native CLI, your development OS, and Android Target OS.

Build and run the app

npm i # install app dependencies
npx react-native run-android # builds and runs android app on simulator or connected physical device


UI Component Storybook

To run the components Storybook set the STORYBOOK_START variable in ./App.tsx to be true. Then run:

npm run storybook # Start storybook server

in a new terminal

npx react-native run-android # Start emulator/ app

If needed, add any newly written stories by running

npm run prestorybook # Add any newly written stories


  • Might need to run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider first if seeing a digital envelope routines::unsupported error (MacOS)
  • Storybook also opens on the browser using an arbitrary local ip but it renders the components on the connected device/ emulator anyways so I would just close and ignore the browser
  • update the corresponding .stories file if making changes to any component/screen
  • Set the STORYBOOK_START variable in ./App.tsx back to false to run CodeBlue app

Integration Testing

E2E Testing

  • manual


See /docs/ for Requirements Document, Design Document, Verification & Validation document, List of Deliverables, and poster pdf.


See /docs/design/ for a pdf of CodeBlue's design or view the Figma here: link

Product Video

See /src/app/assets/CodeBlue_V3.mp4 for product video or visit link

Demo Video
