
My collection of scripts I've written over the years

Primary LanguageAppleScript


Basically, these are scripts I've written over the years to scratch various itches I've had. All parts of all scripts were written by me, unless otherwise stated. I don't really care how you make use of them, but it would be nice if you could give some type of attribution to me and/or my site (http://dovfrankel.com).


All of the scripts are intended to be installed in the ~/Library directory (copied in there), with the same relative path I use in the repository. That's where they'll get picked up by FastScripts, iTunes, and the various apps they're meant to interact with.


Many scripts use libraries I've written for certain common functions. Those are located in the Scripts/Libraries directory. To load them, you'll see code like the following:

property LibLoader : load script file ((path to scripts folder from user domain as text) & "Libraries:Library Loader.scpt")
property StringsLib : LibLoader's loadScript("Libraries:Strings.applescript")

The first line creates a reference to the library responsible for loading the other ones. That script has to be a compiled scripts (with the .scpt extension), whereas all other scripts are in the plaintext .applescript format. I've committed the Library Loader script in both formats, so the plain-text version can be searched and diff'ed, but the compiled version can be loaded as a property. Each library script contains a comment at the top of the file, which can be copied and pasted into a script that wishes to refer to it.

Any scripts loaded with Library Loader can be compiled or plain-text, and plain-text files can be encoded in Mac format (which AppleScript Editor uses) or UTF-8, but only in those two.


I've got a basic suite of custom-built tests in Scripts/Libraries/Library Tests.applescript, which you can run, and observe its log output for failures. I plan to someday move it to ASUnit instead (Issue #1).

iTunes Script Menu

Some iTunes scripts don't work from the Script Menu at all, such as Re-import Lossless Tracks.applescript, and others, such as Upgrade Tracks.applescript need to be compiled into .scpt format to work.

Automator Service Scripts

Some scripts are intended to be run as Automator "Run ApplesScript" actions within a service, though they don't provide much utility as a standalone script. These are in the Services folder. You can use these in your own services by using the following text in the Automator workflow (as I described in a blog post):

on run {input, parameters}

    run script file "<git checkout path>:AppleScripts:Services:Encode With HandBrake.applescript" with parameters {input, parameters}

end run


These scripts work for me, and I hope they will either work for you as-is, or at least lead you to a workable solution. Please review the scripts before you attempt to run them. I can't guarantee they don't have weird side effects I haven't encountered yet. If you do find issues, though, please send me a pull request and I'll try to incorporate any fixes you come up with.