
One time at RailsCamp Warren stayed up until like 10pm going crazy sick on some code it was so fun OMG you should've been there just wild man

Primary LanguageRubyDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Warren Ipsum, the gem

Warren Ipsum

This gem is based on Warren Ipsum, by the indomitable Tom Bryan.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'warren_ipsum'

Or in your terminal:

gem install warren_ipsum


require 'warren_ipsum'

# Will generate one line.
# => "these young bucks have never seen a nuclear fucking winter."

# Will combine three lines, separated by commas.
WarrenIpsum.generate(:lines => 3)
# => "I know you guys will find it tough without me but I know you have it in you to soldier on in my absence, embrace the cheese, most women should try throwing with the other hand."